Chapter 15

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A/N: Holy crap, how long has it been?? 

I was trying to work on a chapter of Blissfulls, and somehow found myself on this story. I forgot how much I loved this one.  I think I've had a long enough break from it. :)

I am going to try to start updating this again. It might not be that frequently, but I am for sure going to start updating it again. 

Hope you enjoy this extremely random chapter, I literally wrote this in 15 minutes. It feels a little short, but I don't have anything to add right now. I'll try to update soon. 

Also pizza rolls are good. 


*Olivia pov*

What am I going to do? 

I drum my fingers absentmindedly against my leg as I sit on the couch.  Today, the band goes back on tour, and in a week or so Alex and James are moving back to their old house. So where does that leave me? 

On the one hand, I could go along for the tour. See more of Blake, get to know Ryan some more, just hang out with them in general. Although to be honest, the only one of them I'm close with is Blake, so I would constantly feel out of place.

On the other hand, I'm sure Jay and Alex wouldn't mind me tagging along with them for a while. I really should try to spend more time with James, he is my brother after all.  Although I'm sure they want some time to themselves, they haven't been living on their own since they got together from what I understand of it. Who am I to impose on that?

 I suppose I could always go back to Canada and stay with my biological parents.  But they travel all the time and..... I don't know it just doesn't sound very appealing for some reason.

I guess my only real option is to go back and stay with my adoptive dad for  the time being. I smile, thinking of him. I've actually been missing him a lot. I dig my phone out my pocket, deciding to call him.


"Hi dad!" I say cheerfully. 

"Olivia is that you?" He asks, sounding in shock.

"It's me dad, how've you been?" I ask.

"I'm fine, missing you like crazy." He explains, I frown realizing this is the first time we've spoken since I left for Canada. 

"I missed you too, I'm sorry I haven't called. Things have been insane." 

"It's alright sweetie,  it's great to hear from you.  It would be even greater if I could see your face though."  He mumbles, I smile.

"Thats actually why I called you." I tell him, he pauses.

"What do you mean?" He asks hopefully. 

"I'm coming home!" 


"You're leaving?"  Karen,my biological mom asks, looking heartbroken.

"Yeah, today actually."  I say apologetically. 

"But... but you just got here." she protests, I shrug.

"Sorry, I've already decided." I say, starting to get annoyed. She gave me up and now she's getting upset that I'm leaving. 

"Is there anyway I can convince you to stay? Anything at all?" She asks desperately. 

"Not really, I'll call you  guys soon though I promise and we can-" 

"No." She cuts me off, I blink.


"It's not fair! We just got you back and now you're leaving again." She says, all but crying, for some reason my temper flails violently at her words.

"Well that's what I've decided to do." I say, the annoyance showing in my voice a bit. I turn to leave, wanting to calm down. 

"You can't go!"  She says, I stop dead in my tracks, my temper reaching the boiling point. Weeks worth of distress, frustration, anger, confusion, and anxiety I didn't know I was holding onto spill out of my mouth as I turn around. 

"I can't go? You didn't seem to have a problem with watching me go when I was a baby. What changed? I come back to see you for a month and suddenly you think you can start exercising your parental control over me? You leave me to rot with some stranger for 18 years, and now you want to start acting like a loving parent. You know what, I hate you. I FUCKING HATE YOU." The last words leave my mouth as a scream. Just as I belt them out, James and his dad enter the room.

Both of them stare wide eyed at me. Karen breaks down into sobs on the couch. I turn and walk from the room as furious  tears begin to fall from my eyes. 

"Megan wait!" James calls after me, I turn  on my heal.

"MY NAMES NOT MEGAN!" I scream at him through my tears. 

I turn around and run all the way back to the room  I was staying in. I close the door and throw myself onto the bed.  I burry my face, now soaked from my tears, into a pillow and begin screaming. I scream and scream until my throat feels raw. 

After what feels like hours, the door opens. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I glance up with teary eyes, and find my biological dad smiling softly at me. He sits on the bed, and sighs.

"I think we need to talk." He says gently.

Tears and Rain. (The Only Exception part three.)Where stories live. Discover now