Chapter 7

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I'm sorry this chapet is kinda short and chopy. I will honestly try to make the next chapter less shitty, knowing me it wont be. The problem is, my motivation steadily decreases as I'm writing. So by then end of the chapter, I have to force myself to keep writing. The next chapter will be less filler, and more plotline.

I promise.

If I dont keep my promise, you can come to my house and fill my bed with wasps. You seriously have my permission.

Just kiddig.....

Please dont do that....

*Sam pov*

"Surgery?!?!?" I croak, my eyes widening. The doctor nods seriously.

"I'm afraid this problem isn't going to go away on its own." Alex squeezes my hand, smiling softly.

"When?" I ask hoarsely.

"The sooner the better, if you wait too much longer, you could cause permanent damage to your vocal chords."

"Will I ever be able to sing again?"

"Only if we act quickly, I believe there's an opening tomorrow." I nod slowly. The doctor ushers us out, so we are in front of the receptionist.

"Can I help you?" She asks politely.

"Yes, we need to schedule a surgery for tomorrow." Alex does the talking for me.


"Samantha Terry."

"Date of birth?"


"What doctor will you be seeing?"

"Doctor broadsky."

"The only opening for him tomorrow is at 10:30 am. Will that work?"

"Yeah that's fine."
She nods and continues typing in the computer. After a few moments later, she turns back to us and smiles.

"Okay you're all set. See you tomorrow."

We bid her goodbye and exit the hospital. As we enter the car, I can feel Alex looking at me.

"You okay?" He asks. I nod slightly, although I feel far from fine. I have to get surgery tomorrow, and the thought terrifies me.

Alex chuckles softly, and reaches over to hug me, which calms me down a bit. But not much.

"It's gunna be okay." I bite my lip,

"What if something goes wrong." I rasp, feeling slight pain.

"Like what?"

"I don't know, what if they do something wrong, and I'm never able to sing again? Or what if I'm miss diagnosed and the surgery only makes it worse?" I ask frantically, feeling extremely panicked.


*Alex pov*

"Alex?" I glance up to see a nurse looking at me.

"Yeah thats me."

"Come with me."

She leads me through the hallways, stopping me in front of a closed door.

"The doctor will be out in a moment, then you can go on in." She tells me then walks away.

I lean against the wall, feeling a little anxious.

Everything went fine right?

The nurse would've told me if sometihng happened right?

After several minutes, the door opens, and Dr. Broadsky comes out. I instantly perk up, and look at him expectantly.

"Well?" I ask, he smiles reassuringly.

"The surgery was a complete success!  Everything went completely fine, Samantha will be singing again in no time."  He says proudly, I sigh with relief.

"You can sit in her room if you like the anesthetics should wear off pretty soon." 

"Okay thanks." I say with a nod, pushing the door open.

"Her throat will be sore for a few days, but it shouldn't be too bad. Also she should try to talk as little as posible for the remainder of the day."  He tells me.

"Okay, I got it." He nods, and truns to leave. 

I glance over at Sam, who's sleeping soundly. She has a breathing mask on, and is hooked up to an IV. The heart monitor is beeping steadily, and I frown. The sound reminds me of when James was here, when he......

I cant even finish the thought, with out tears pricking my eyes. I suddenly feel the need to talk to him, to hear his voice.

I pull out my phone, and dial his number. With a slightly shaking hand, I place the phone next to me ear, and hear the steady rings. Finally, after what feels like ages, I hear the click.



*Ryan pov*

"Well I give up!" exclaims Becky irritably. Blake sighs, and I can see him agreeing with her mentally.

"Guys c'mon! We promised Sam we'd do something special for the fans." I remind them.  We all wanted to go to the hospital with Sam, but she insisted we do something for the fans. We've been sitting here the past hour trying to think of something to do. We got nothing.

"Well what the hell are we gunna do then?" Becky asks, I shrug.

"Why dont we ask the fans what they want?" Blake suggests, I smile.

"Thats not a bad idea actually." 

"Yeah, we could post a video on our band website, and ask the fans for suggestions for stuff we could do." 

I dig my phone out of my pocket and pull up the camera.  I take a quick glance around the room, making sure everyone's ready to go, then press record.

"Hey guys, for those of you who dont know, I'm ryan. I'm here with Becky and Blake, my bandmates, and we just wanted to make this short video to say a couple of things." I begin awkwardly. Thankfully, Blake takes my phone and starts talking.

"First of all, we want to apoligize for canceling the tour. Trust me, that was the last thing we wanted to do. We honestly didn't have a choice. However the problem that caused us to cancle the tour, is actually being fixed as we speak. So we might go back on tour in the near future." He says with a smile.

"The other thing we wanted to run by you guys is this: We want to do something special for you guys, sort of as a way to make up for canceling the tour.  The problem is we cant think of anything to do. So we decied to simply ask  you guys what you want us to do. It has to be legal and safe and all that good stuff obviously."  Beck take the phone, and points it at herself.

"So if you guys could just leave your suggestions for what you want us to do, and in a week or so we'll get it done."

"I think thats it." I say, Blake nods.

"Bye guys!" I say waving at the camera.

Becky and Blake both say goodbye, and we upload the video to our website.

"I wonder what the they'll come up with." Backy muses, I shrug.

"Hopefuly its nothing too crazy..."

Tears and Rain. (The Only Exception part three.)Where stories live. Discover now