Successful Convincing

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"Are you stupid?" General Leia asked you appalled at you volunteering to lead the resistance mission.

"I can do this!" You shouted.

You were a sort of Apprentice to the general. Your parents were killed along with the rest of your village, you had no clue why anyone would kill them hell you didn't even know your parents you were no more than a month old when they were killed. The resistance searched the wreckage of your village and found you hidden in a crate, Leia has been a sort of mother to you since.

Suddenly Poe walked in. "Come on general she'll be fine after all I'll be out there keeping an eye on her." He slapped you hard on the back.

Poe is like an older brother to you, you love him but not in a romantic way.

BB-8 rolled in beeping and buzzing. That droid followed Poe around everywhere, but he has been a bit sadder since Rey departed.

"Come on, General." You pleaded. "I can do this, I know I can."

Leia walked to you from where she was sitting. It looked like a giant map.

She put both of her hands on your shoulders. "I know you can." She sighed. "It's just after losing Han..." She trailed off, you could see tears forming in her eyes. She quickly regained her composure. "You're like a daughter to me and I can't stand to lose you, but if you really want to do this I will allow it. Plus you'll have Poe and Finn to help you." You hugged her.

Poe cheered as Finn walked in.

"What's going on in here?" He asked. It had been at least two months since the run in with the first order, they had been quiet until just a few weeks ago. Finn was almost fully healed. Rey had departed around then and hadn't returned, everyone was on edge waiting for some word from her, Finn more so.

"Y/N is going to be leading us on the mission in a few days." Poe explained.

"You mean the one where we infiltrate the first orders new base? General, are you sure about this?" Finn turned to you. "Don't get me wrong, Y/N you are quite skilled but we all know what happened last time." Everyone fell silent, you couldn't believe he would bring that up especially in front of the General.

Leia broke the silence. "I am worried about that too but she's gotta lead a mission some time, after all, she is my apprentice." Leia smirked.

"Thank you, General." You grabbed your blaster off of the table.

"You best go get ready, you only have three days to prepare."

You nodded and left.

The next couple of days consisted of battle strategies and planning an entry, they already had most of it planned but you needed to be involved in some sort of the planning. The mission was simple, get in and sneak some people they captured out, the people are believe to be force sensitive so this is a big deal.

You were leading this so you were in charge of pretty much everything, weapons, head count, checking with everyone to make sure their jobs are complete and then just in case check them yourself.

The team for this mission consisted of you, Poe, and Finn. Poe was in charge of getting you and Finn in an out and Finn was in charge of covering you while you get the prisoners in and out. It was a solid plan.

The day of the mission arrived and you were honestly really nervous but you knew your crew had your back, you had faith that this would all go smoothly.

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