This could work

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You thought the situation over, you were supposedly force sensitive, you were trapped in a room with the man who just tried to kill you (or not kill you but at least torture you), you also had a chance to train your powers with Kylo Ren. An idea popped into your head, this could be a chance to get inside information to tell the resistance when you are rescued/ escape, or even better take it down from within.

You looked at him. "Fine, I agree, I'll join the first order..."

He laughed lightly. "I expected you to be on the brink of death and/ or insanity before you broke."

You scoffed. "Don't go getting a big ego now, I just realized that this is the more powerful side." you smirked.

"A very wise choice, Y/N."

"But first I have one question. Why with the helmet?"

He put both of his hands on the sides of his helmet and pulled it off. "It's symbolic. That's all you get to know." His voice had changed from the robotic type one he had before to a more harsh voice, it wasn't deeper, though. Your mind pointed towards a voice changer.

You stared at his newly revealed face, he was extremely attractive given the large scar across his face. His hair was, at least, shoulder length and it was sort of a blackish brown color. His eyes were around that color too.

"Why are you blushing?" Ren ask.

You didn't even  you realize you were blushing. "I'm not! It's just really hot in here."

He walked over to you, he grabbed the restraints on either of your wrists and opened them, he did the same with your feet. You let your arms fall to your sides.

He put his helmet back on and began walking out of the room. "Follow me." He called back to you. You did so.

He actually trusts me to walk around with no restraints... You thought.

The fortress was bigger than you thought, It went quite a few floors underground. You passed many Storm Troopers, who gave you strange looks. You were soon beside Ren.

"Where are we going?" You asked.

"Your room. If you're going to be staying here you need somewhere to sleep. Unless you want to sleep outside?"

You laughed a bit. "Hey who knew mister angry serious man has a sense of humor."

He stopped and turned towards you. You weren't paying attention and ran straight into him.

You back a few steps away and looked up at him.

"Don't go trying to be all friendly." He turned and continued walking.

"Jeez, Sorry." You followed him until you reached a nicer bit of the fortress, it was much brighter than the rest. Ren turned to a door and opened it.

The room was certainly better than yours at the resistance base, it wasn't home, though. There was a large cot in the corner of the room, a dresser across from it, and a small trunk beside the bed.

This will take some getting used to... You thought.

"This is your room, I'm next door so don't make to much noise. I start training you tomorrow at six a.m. so you better get some sleep, you'll need it."

"And how exactly do you expect me to find my way around this place?" You asked.

"I'll come in here tomorrow to make sure you're awake and I'll show you around while we head to the training area and after, if you haven't collapsed from exhaustion, I'll arange for someone to show you around." He turned and left, slamming the door shut.

You were exhausted, probably from the battling earlier and almost being choked to death. You looked in the dressed, it was full of black sweatshirts, tank tops and black leggings varying in sizes, lucky enough you found one of each that would fit you. You took off your brown leather jacket and your sweat covered black tee and put the sweatshirt on, same with your leggings.

You laid down on the bed and fell asleep instantly.

Guys... Guys! Do you see the view stats? Is that a glitch or something because that is the only logical explanation.

But no really this thing has been up for about 2 days and its at freaking 3k that's faster than any of my other books, my mind is blown ( time for a mini dance party /*-*/ \*-*\)

Anywho thanks again and May the force be with you

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