I love you

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Calm down, ya'll ain't dead.

Your vision was hazy. You saw the blurred outline of a man against a lot of bright lights. You began to sit up, a searing pain shot through your side. You screamed in pain and instantly blacked out again.

"Y/N... Y/N!" You opened your eyes slowly. You saw Ren standing beside you. You were in a hospital bed, it was full of bright lights and the walls were white which only enhanced the brightness. 


"You're awake! My god you worried me so much." He hugged you. You flinched, but hugged back.

"What happened?" You asked.

"You got shot... Lucky for you the bastard didn't have a very good aim, it only grazed your side, but it's still gonna hurt like hell for a few days." 

"How long was I out?" You asked.

" About two days."

"Oh, anything happen while I was out?"

"Not really, well there was this one thing..."

"What?" You asked.

"I realised something... Almost losing you made me realise... Well that I..." He leant in and kissed you. 

You were surprised. You broke the kiss after a few seconds. "I thought you couldn't be with me..."

"I don't care anymore, I love you, Y/N and If love is weakness then I guess I am weak."

You smiled at him.

"I love you, Y/N..."

"I love you too."

He smiled at you. You placed your hand on his cheek, leaned in and kissed him. You forgot about the pain in your side for just a second.

It was Rens turn to break the kiss. "I need to go get the doctor, tell him you're up."

"Okay," you kissed him on the cheek. He left to fetch the doctor.

Oh my gosh this was so cheesy but hey more Ren x Reader action! Sorry there wasn't much of that the first couple of chapters but now they are together and the next few chapters will just be that.

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