Cold as ice

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Y'all are perverts... -_- XD

You fell directly on top of Ren, he looked up at you slowly. He placed his hand on your cheek, it was cold like ice. He placed his other hand on the back of your neck, he pulled you closer to him.
"Y/N..." He moved his face closer to yours and kissed you, his lips were chapped and as cold as his hands, but somehow warm. The two of you held the kiss for a few more seconds then Ren stopped.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He looked away from you.

You moved his head so that his eyes were looking right at you. "Don't be, I liked it." You smiled, your smile was stopped short by what he would say next.

"No, I really shouldn't have done that." He hurried out from underneath you. You stood up.

"Why not? It's obvious you have feelings for me, so why deny them?"

"Because, I have a job to do," he looked at you," and I can't afford for love to get in the way."

"I see how it is..." You walked towards the door. "See you tomorrow." You left, you kept your composure until you got to an empty bathroom a few corridors from your room, that's when you lost it. You ran into the bathroom and the tears started to fall.

You looked up into the bathroom mirror, you stopped crying. You weren't sad anymore, you were livid. You smashed the mirror in front of you with the power of the force, you began doing the same with a few of the others. You managed to calm your little tantrum and headed down the hall to your room. You stayed there for the rest of the day, you needed up falling asleep.

Its short I know but another chapter might be out later.
Oh and yes Y/N threw a tantrum because another thing about this story is that she is trying to resist the temptation of the dark side whilst trying not to blow her cover and her cover is a darkside padawan of sorts.

The romance tho XD

Also just adding this here because I've seen a few people correcting me on facts from the franchise but just remember not everything in this is gonna correspond with cannon facts, I will try to make everything almost cannon like but if I slip up on some facts I apologize (I actually had to Google things because when I started writing this the last time I had seen an original  starwars movie was in like 2008) but if it has something big to do with a chapter then I will not change it but if its tiny then I may change it if I feel like it. Don't think I'm mad about being corrected though I actually greatly appreciate it but just letting you know that not everything corresponds with cannon facts.

But yeah anywho hope you enjoyed this chapter ( I know I did)

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