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Ren pulled his sweatshirt up over his head to reveal his bare chest, he was skinnier than you thought, but he wasn't a twig. You stared at his muscles.

He pulled a black tee shirt off of the table and put it on. He looked at you quizzically, you were still staring at his chest, your face was full on pink. 

He raised an eyebrow. "Problem?" He asked.

"You shook your head. "No problem." Your face was growing warmer by the minute.

Wait, what am I doing? He's the enemy. What is wrong with me? Can't deny it, though, there's something sexy about him. You thought.

You stood up and picked up your jacket from the corner. "So, anything I need to know before I go?"

"Don't talk to anyone unless I tell you to, especially Phasma, if you talk to Phasma she will most likely shoot you."

"Okay, good to know..." 

"Oh also, take your lightsaber." He tossed  your lightsaber to you. You caught it and headed out to get changed and cleaned up.

By the time you got halfway to your room you remembered that someone was supposed to show you around. "Crap!" You sighed, you would just have to find your way around through trial and error, which included more error than you expected.

You had been walking around for a half an hour, nothing around here looked familliar, you completely forgot the way back to your room, you were lost. The fortress was huge, you weren't surprised that you got lost, you could ask for directions but you really didn't want to talk to these people unless you had to. You continued to wander for another half an hour trying to look like you knew what you were doing. You heared voices from behind a closed door, you looked around to make sure no one was there and placed your ear against the door.

"Yes, her training is going well. She is quite powerful." You heard a familiar voice say.

"Very good..." Another voice said, you didn't recognize it.

"Tomorrow I will be working with her on her force skills."

"Wonderful, you are dissmissed." You heard foot steps coming towards the door, you hurried back down the hall.

The door opened. "Y/N?" You froze.

You turned around. "Yes, sir?"

"What are you doing?" 

"Well you see, I'm kinda lost..."

He examined you up and down, noticing your sweat stained clothes. "Follow me," he started down the hall. "This place is huge, it's easy to get lost." 

Just wanted to let you all know that I think the band Starset has a lot of good songs that could describe Kylo Ren really well.

Just wanted to say that

Author-San <3

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