Chapter 31. Love at First Bite

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"Where the hell is that pencil?" I utter in agitation as I rummage through my very disorganized room. I've been searching for it for hours, its like looking for a needle in a haystack. A melody popped in my head this morning when I woke up and I have to write it before it goes away. As I continue to search, a piece of paper catches my eye. I remember it as the business card that Dominic gave me, for he emphasized that the owner of that music shop is pretty. Well, who would say no to that? Resolved, I give up on the search for the pencil and decided to search for a pretty girl instead.


A little house with brick red walls lined up with dainty flowers on the outside came into my view as I reached the address written on the card. Guessing that I got the directions wrong, I decided to turn back but before I could do a girl dressed in a blue ballgown walks out of the house which catches my attention.

"Cinderella!" I call out and she turns to me. Amused, I walked over to where she was standing.

"I'm not Cinderella." She answers with a condescending tone.

Maybe she's the pretty girl Dominic told me about, maybe this is really my destination.

"Really? Care to raise the ends of your gown for me?"

Her eyes popped like a deer caught on headlights for a while before she utters. "Pervert." She turns back and returns inside the house.

"I just wanted to check if you're missing a glass slipper." I hold back my laughter.

"No, because I prefer sneakers." She answers sarcastically as she slides both her feet from under the gown which makes me laugh.

A familiar looking girl dressed in a Snow White costume came out running from the house.

"Don't tell me the Disney Princesses are having a party at your house today?" I turn back at Cinderella as I scoff. She just rolls her eyes.

"Sirius Lee!" Snow White squeals as she beams at me which freaked me out.

"This is the guy you're talking about?" Cinderella looks me up and down then turns to Snow White unconvinced.

"So you do know me." A faint smile of interest plays along the corner of my lips.

Snow White nods with eyes glistening in glee. "I'm Phat and this is my friend Yeng. We never thought you would still be coming because it has been a year or so since I handed Dominic the business card." She giggles as she recalls.

"So that's why you look familiar. Phat Kim, hmmm..." I rest my chin on my hand as I try to recall. "Your Kyle's girlfriend!" To my surprise my voice got louder as I finally remembered whom she was. "But why didn't Dominic tell me?"

"Ex-girlfriend." She emphasized as if to clear things out. "Guess Dominic didn't remember me?"

"No, more like he didn't recognized you. The same way I did today." I narrow my gaze as I stare closely at her.

"What do you mean? She cocks her head questioningly to the side.

"You look different now. You look prettier." I put on my cheshire grin. "I bet Kyle's going to regret letting you go." I shake my head as I click my tongue.

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