Chapter 8. Run With Me

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I watch in awe at my surroundings as I stand beside a grand fountain. Everything in this vast garden venue screams luxury, including me of course. All thanks to my polished black suit, slicked back hair and above all, my prince-likes self (just kidding), no one would have ever guessed that I was just a seat-filler. Or so I thought.

"Hey Dominic!" Jasper comes out of nowhere and calls out to me.

"Good to see a familiar face." I bump fists with him. "What are you doing here? Don't tell me, you were paid to act as additional crowd, too?" I laugh.

His face turns from jolly to confused. "No, my dad works for this company. Wait, you were paid? I thought she-"

He was cutoff when a deep voice speaks through a microphone and envelopes the whole place. Little did I know that my nightmare is coming soon.

"Good evening. I thank you all for joining the corporation's 25th anniversary. But we are not just celebrating one festivity tonight. May I present my only daughter and successor together with his fiancé."

I hear thundering claps from all the people, so I copy them. Soon, I see a couple walk to the center stage. As they got closer, I recognize the lady's face. None other than, Cris. I felt shock, jealousy, betrayal, disbelief and pain all at the same time. She was linking arms with him, happily waving and throwing smiles at everyone, especially at the media flocking in front of them.

I can't believe what was happening in front of my very eyes. How did this happen? Cris and I, we were happily in love. Everything was fine, we were even planning our 100th day. But she never told me anything about this. And as if to rub more salt to the wound, I hear his father utter my name through the microphone.

"Mr. Dominic Kang, who is a close friend of my daughter would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the newly-engaged couple." He smiles at me, full of taunt.

I froze in my spot as the lights focused on me. I saw Cris shudder and almost lost her balance as our eyes met. I was about to walk away, but Jasper held me back.

"Suck it up, man. Don't hurt her further, for she can't choose between you and her father. Your pride is nothing, Cris is your everything." He pats my back.

I look back at her, now a scared and fragile girl staring down at her feet. If only I had the courage to take her away from this hell we are in right now. Wait, does she even want to be taken away in the first place?

I take a deep breath before walking towards the stage. After a couple of steps, to my surprise, Cris leaps and runs into my arms.

"That must have hurt, jumping from the stage in high heels." I chuckle as I embrace her shaking form.

"Nothing compared to your pain right now." She hugs me tighter. "I'm so sorry. I didn't have any choice. Appa just told me about this stupid engagement this morning. I said no and he locks me up in my room right away. I couldn't call you because they took my phone too."

I smile in relief. " I thought you really want to get married with that guy."

She shakes her head as she sniffles. "I'd rather be a nun."

We both laugh.

"Want to run away with me?" I whisper at her ear.

She nods.

"At the count of three." I hold her hand tightly as if never to let go.

We both count in unison then run fast like kids. Starting today, we will be playing the most dangerous hide and seek of our lives. Because if we get caught, everything would be over.

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