Chapter 15. Stop Look and Kiss Me

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"You still haven't met her? This is bad. What if she already spend it all? It's been a week, hyung." Jasper looks at me worriedly.

I just shrug it off. "I won that money by luck. But she's luckier than me that day. Maybe that money was really destined for her."

I don't know why I was saying those words. I should be upset or angry for not getting my money back. Well, I am upset, but for another reason. And that's because I didn't get the chance to meet her. I badly want to see her enticing eyes.

"How about Rosy?" He can't he'll but laugh every time he says that nickname.

"I'll stay with Wolfy for now until I raise another five grand."

He laughs harder. "Why don't you try giving them actual names. Like Megan Fox or Kim Tae Hee?"

I hit his head. "Heard of the word respect? What if someone names his bike after your mom's name?"

"I'm just trying to be funny." He reasons out.

"Then try harder."


"This is one hell of a car show!" I was amazed at the gorgeous display of dazzling cars.

"Sorry, if I have to bother you to come here. We consumed the budget intended for the live band because of the models. And I couldn't think of anyone who plays for free but you."

"No worries. Me and my friends could see the models are worth every penny originally meant for us." I shake my friend's hand.

"Thank you. I've already had the stage setup for you. Everything is ready. You can go there anytime you want."

"How about now?" I grin at him

He nods then leads the way.

As we reach the stage, I take a deep breath and do my usual method of confidence boost which is to imagine that my sister is in the crowd cheering for me. It always works, but it would be better if she was really in front of me now.

Halfway through the song, I notice Jasper mouth something to me. I was busy singing so I didn't mind him. Then he points vehemently at a certain direction which my eyes follow. A smirk forms across my face as I saw one of the models. This wicked kid, even finding the time to check out girls. I focus at her, even squinting through the blinding stage lights. Sexy, long straight hair, but I can't see her face.

"Look here." I keep chanting in my head as if I have mental telepathy.

Luckily, she does look at the stage. And the first thing I saw were her eyes, double eyelids, thick lashes, very rounded orbs, and that familiar alluring stare. I stop singing and playing my guitar at the realization.

"Maedy Kang..." I utter through the microphone.

She covers her mouth in disbelief and starts pacing backwards. I could still see the beauty in her frightened eyes as she gets trapped in my stare.

"Hyung!" Jasper yells which zaps me back to reality, to one harsh truth that this beautiful woman with enticing eyes stole money from me. Beautiful outside, but rotten inside. What a waste.

I quickly give him my guitar and leap off the stage. She dashes to the exit in a blink of an eye. After twenty minutes of cat-and-mouse game down street, I finally get ahold of her arm. Man, this woman can surely run, not to mention she's wearing tower heels an I'm only on my sneakers. Before I have the time to catch my breath, she begins to shout like I was harassing her.

"HELP! RAPE!" She shouts at the top of her lungs like she was using head tones. I can even feel the high decibels ring in my eardrums.

I try to cover her mouth before anyone could hear her, but she bites my hand before I could do so. She starts shouting again, this time louder and more helpless-sounding.

I can't think of any better idea to silence her without hurting her, so I capture her lips. For ten seconds, I savored her luscious lips. But that wasn't enough, my mind and body is in a battle. One more second, and I'll lose my mind and who knows what I'll do to her next. I have to let her go. As I part my lips with hers, her eyes were still closed like she still wants more.

"You leave me no choice." I whisper with a smile.

She opens her eyes and instantly turn red. As expected she slaps me in the face hard, but still I smile. That kiss was worth a hundred more.

"Don't you dare do that again." She looks at me hatefully.

"I promise. Not until you ask me to." I smirk.

She cusses. "Let go of me."

"Only if you promise not to run."

"I won't."

It was clear that she was lying but I still trusted her. I was about to let her go but she suddenly lost consciousness in my arms.

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