Chapter 15: The Good-Guys

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This is so incredibly cringe-worthy help me please

Dan's POV

He had pushed me over. I can't take this anymore.

"A-ah, that's it! I can't do this anymore!" I shouted, kicking my legs rather violently. Eventually I kicked Mark right in the crotch and he fell to the ground.

"Phil! Quick! Help me out while he's down!" I yelled, pulling my hands as far as they would go from the bed. After all, I was handcuffed.

"Yeah, okay..." Phil muttered. He stood up and shoved Mark with his foot until he was out of the room, where Ingrid and Cat were staring at me, horrified. Quickly Phil locked the door again and walked back over to me.

"Phil, what are you..." I said quietly, trailing off as he sat on the bed and faced me. He made the most innocent face I have ever seen and crawled closer to me.

"Well, I have to finish what he started, don't I?"

Your POV

"PJ, where do we go now?" I asked as soon as I heard the footsteps fading away.

"Well, first we need to figure out where we are. Then we should go and get Dan and Phil, and head home. Maybe we'll figure out how to get revenge for what they did to Chris." I noticed the way PJ put emphasis on "Chris," and how his voice cracked slightly when he spoke.

"Hey, PJ, maybe when we get Dan and Phil, we can get Chris, okay?" I said softly, placing my hand on his shoulder. But the moment didn't last. Someone was banging on the door.

We were about to turn the corner when the door opened, revealing a very exhausted, very pale-skinned...


"What?" PJ and I said at the same time. I thought Chris was killed...?

"Honestly, same. I wasn't dead, you nimrod. I was faking it. Whoever the hell walked over to me was in on it too. What's her name? Hannah? Yeah, she has a girlfriend, but I don't remember her name..." Chris explained. PJ smiled and ran over to Chris, hugging him tightly.

"I'm so glad you're okay, don't do that to me again..." PJ whispered. I smiled but my expression changed as I saw Ingrid walk out of the door.

"No! I'm good, I'm with you, so is Hannah. She's getting Dan and Phil right now," Ingrid said, raising her hands up to show she had no weapons.

"What exactly happened to Dan?" I asked. I hope Mark didn't go too far...

"Well, I have no idea. I did see some things that have scarred me forever, but, erm..." Ingrid trailed off, and Hannah walked out of the door. After her, Phil walked out casually, and then Dan stumbled out, tripping on his own feet. He looked a bit...flustered...

"Okay, so where are we?" PJ asked. After all, we aren't in London anymore.

"Oh, we're in New Jersey. Frank lives here so he decided to set up one base here and one in California. I can get out smuggling plane here in a few days. But first, I want to get rid of the rest of our 'team' for good," Hannah explained. Seems legit.

"Who's left, that's on the other side?" I asked, wanting clarification.

Ingrid sighed. "Cat, Frank, Mark, Anthony, Ian. They're douches, to be honest. Especially Mark."

"Good. Do you have any supplies?"

Hannah and Ingrid led us back into the base, and we quietly made our way upstairs. We entered a room filled with several different types of guns, knives, and various other things that were probably used for torture. I didn't take anything; no reason to get caught holding a gun if the police show up. After the group selected what they needed, we searched the complex for Ian and Anthony.

"Anthony, do you think we should check on Mark?" I heard Ian ask. I walked backwards a few steps and stood in front of the door that the noise came from. The others walked back towards me, and I nodded towards the room. Ingrid knocked on the door and said, "Hey, guys? Mark wants you. Everyone's going to be there, hurry up!" I heard a click and the door opened, revealing Anthony and Ian. I stepped out of the way before anyone could do anything, and they immediately shot both of them.

"Okay, now for Cat."

Hannah led us to the other side of the building, talking quietly as we went. "Cat is in love with Dan. Ever since they worked on that one marijuana deal, she couldn't stop talking about him. I'm sick of it." Dan's face grew red and Phil must've noticed, even in the dark hallway, because he slapped Dan's arm in disgust.

"Okay, just to clarify, I was high during that. That was the only reason I said some things that probably weren't true," Dan said quickly. Hannah scoffed and retorted, "Yeah, like when you told her you're str-" Dan cut her off and said, "I hear her, a couple rooms down. Let's check there."

And so we did. Well, not me. Hannah went to the door and knocked, saying, "Hey, Dan's still chained up, but he's not conscious anymore. Wanna see?" Hannah shot a smirk back at Dan, who was already walking over, his gun cocked and ready to shoot.

(That was hilarious don't kill me pls)

Cat almost immediately opened the door, and then I heard several gunshots. The rest of us ran over and saw Cat's dead body in her doorway. Only a few left, and then we can go home.

Weird, how I'm calling a criminal base my home. It's crazy, that's where two criminals took me after I was kidnapped, and I'm calling it home. I guess that is my home, considering that there's no way I'm going to my actual home. I'll never see my friends, parents, or anyone ever again. Maybe it's fate that I'm here, or maybe it was just bad luck. Who knows, who cares. But enough about me being all existential, back to the rest of the American base.

"Okay. Let's get Frank," Phil said, and Ingrid led us downstairs to find the little bastard.

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