Chapter 20: The Finale

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Wow. Thank you guys so so much for your support on this. This story has been an emotional roller coaster and I'm kind of sad to see it go. But don't worry, you'll see more Dan and Phil action very soon. *winks*
Everyone: Destiny!
Me: What! *sighs* I meant writing. Anyway, on with the final chapter.

After my parents had dropped Adrian and I off at my flat, I groaned in frustration when I realized I didn't have my keys, my phone, or anything before the kidnapping. I grumbled and walked up a few flights of stairs, Adrian following close behind. I looked under the welcome mat and sighed as I found the spare key, quickly picking it up and unlocking the door.

My flat looked exactly how it had before, nothing was moved, nothing changed, just my plain old, nerdy-looking flat. Adrian's mouth dropped open as he looked at my PS4 with wide eyes. I smiled at him as he ran over, and I shut the door behind him.

My stomach growled and I saw Adrian look up from what he was doing. "I'm ordering pizza. You want anything on it?" I asked him, and he shrugged. "Plain it is."

I walked into the kitchen and then groaned again, realizing my phone was gone. Then I noticed something on the kitchen counter.

It was a note.

Dear (Y/n),

When I first kidnapped you, I didn't want to keep your stuff, and when I had you change into those shitty leather clothes I saved your other ones in a dresser. You probably found out about Phil and I by now, considering you're back home. But, that's besides the point. I returned your things to you, including your keys, phone, and change of clothes from September. Thanks for sticking with me until now. I'll never forget you, but I hope you'll at least visit every now and then.

Always and forever,

Dan Howell

P.S. Is Adrian with you? If so, tell him I love him.

By the time I finished reading, I was crying again. He truly cared about me. He knew this would happen.

Did he plan this on purpose?

I smiled and pulled out my phone, which was for some reason fully charged. Before I did anything, however, I called Adrian into the kitchen.

"Adrian, can you come here for a sec?" He ran into the kitchen and I giggled as he stumbled and lost his balance. He caught himself and smiled up at me. "What's up?" I pointed towards the letter. "Read that. I'm ordering pizza." I walked out of the kitchen and dialed the nearest pizza place, ordering a large plain pizza, knowing we would probably finish it. After I hung up, I sat down on the couch and scrolled through my texts.

From (F/n)

Hello? You never came to Starbucks, what happened?

Sent September 17th, 11:38 AM

(F/n)! I haven't talked to her September!

From (F/n)

Dude! Come on, please text me back, what did I do?!

Sent December 23rd, 12:34 AM

Oh my god. I need to call her.

From (F/n)

I know you probably can't see this but I saw you on the news, you were bloody kidnapped, I'm sorry, they're looking for you, (Y/n)...

Sent January 3rd, 13:24 PM

I stopped reading them after that. I called her instead.

"Alright, you nasty ass bitch ass mother fucking kidnapper, let go of my best friend or so help me I will track you down and snap your fucking neck you bitch ass piece of shit!" (F/n) yelled into the phone. I laughed and replied, "Dude! I'm home, I just came back from the police station! I ordered pizza, and I have a friend over, you need to come now!" She hung up on me as soon as she heard pizza, leaving me laughing hysterically. I walked into my room and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a loose shirt from a drawer, walking into the bathroom. I haven't showered in months, and I feel disgusting.

I take my time in the shower, letting the refreshing water run until it turned too cold. I stepped out and smiled at my prune-like fingers, then slipped my clothes on. I dried my hair and put it in a messy bun, then ran out of the room, feeling better than I ever have before.

After a few minutes, the doorbell rang.

"PIZZA!" Adrian yelled, and we both ran over to the door, while I grabbed my wallet in the process. I opened the door but didn't see the pizza guy; instead, it was...



"Huh?!" Adrian stared at us with a confused expression as we hugged. I pulled away and laughed, then said, "Oh, yeah. Right.  Adrian, this is (F/n), my best friend. (F/n), this is Adrian,  Adrian Howell. I'm taking care of him for a while." (F/n) held out her hand to shake his, but instead he hugged her tightly around the waist.

I laughed and watched them, finally joining in after a moment. We finally stopped when I heard another voice at the door.

"Um, I have a large pizza for..." He looked at the smudged writing on the box. "(Y/n)?" I looked at the young pizza guy at our door. "That's me." I took out the money I owed him, quickly taking the pizza, and paying him before closing the door and running into the kitchen.

"Okay, so let me get this straight," (F/n) said as we ate the pizza in my living room, binge watching Black Butler, "Your brother-" she pointed to Adrian "-kidnapped my best friend-" she pointed to me "so he could use her to get his fuck buddy jealous?" Adrian and I nodded, taking an awkward bite out of our pizza.

"Damn. You've had a" (F/n) counted her fingers, then said, "...five months, oi mate?"

I laughed and said, "You sound like a fucking pirate. And yeah, I guess so."

Adrian giggled a bit. "So you get home, find your phone, and the first thing you do is order pizza?"


"Wow. You finally got your priorities in order!" (F/n) joked, punching my arm playfully.

"Well, when you've been stuck with a bunch of men with criminal minds for a few months, you start thinking about all of the things you could've done. And the first thing I wanted to do when I got home was eat. And shower. And see my best friend again."

The three of us laughed loudly and continued watching Black Butler in silence.

A few hours later, when we had finished watching the entire season, (F/n) and Adrian had fallen asleep. I stood up as quietly as I could and went to my room. I turned on the telly and the first thing I saw was an alarming news broadcast.

"This just in: notorious criminal master minds Dan Howell and Phil Lester were caught in the basement of the London Bank (idk man) and arrested after years of searching. The two that are usually seen with them, Chris Kendall and PJ Liguori, were killed before they even sent to any high security prisons. There have been many reports across Europe and the United States that say that many criminals that were known to sell drugs and murder in the most horrifying ways possible, were found dead. But thankfully, no one was injured, but one young woman was kidnapped. Her name is (Y/F/N). She just came back to society today, and is safely in her home. Coming up next, will Donald Trump be kicked out of the campaign in the United States? Find out of BBC News, right after this."

I turned off my telly and fell onto the bed.

"It's over." I said quietly to myself. "It's finally over."

"I'm free from those criminal minds."

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