Thank you.

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Thank you guys so much for your support on this story. It took me five months to finish and now I'm going to go back and edit it. But thank you, dear reader, for following this emotional roller coaster with me.

Update: 1/6/17

I don't really know why people still read this. This story is not that good. Please check out some of my other stories? Maybe? Okay that's all.

Later, dorks.


Update: 12/24/17

It's been almost a year since I've even thought about this story. The fact that there are almost 10k total views on this story is incredible. I wrote this on a whim and did not intend for it to go so far. It was a silly story that is poorly written. I'll go back and edit it eventually. Thank you again for everything.

- des

update: 4/29/18

it's been about 3 years since i wrote this story. looking back on it now, i kind of regret writing it. i'm glad that people enjoy it, but it's really not something i'm too proud of. that being said, i am working on other projects. but i'll leave this story up for the hell of it. however: any characters used in this story represent my views of them from 2015. that does not necessarily mean that i still watch/support them today. if any of the characters used have been problematic/abusive after the story was written, know that i, as a writer, do not support them anymore because of said actions.

once again, thank you all so much for all of your support on this story. i'll go through and edit it when i have time, or maybe even respond to old comments. if you want, you can find me on ao3, where i have a shared account with a friend: letshirosleep. i'm also on twitter, isleofaddict.

i love you all,


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