Chapter 5: The Getaway

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Shit, shit, shit, why did I leave the fucking house?
Why did I agree to go to Starbucks?
They're going to fuck me!
I'm going to be raped!
Thoughts scrambled in my mind as Dan climbed back onto the bed. The other man didn't do anything; he just stood at the edge of the bed, staring at me.
I knew what was going to happen next. It didn't seem pretty, but I knew that if I struggled, then it would be even worse than the situation already is, if that's even possible.
"Oh, we're going to have fun...~" Dan whispered, flipping me over again. Tears stained my cheeks, and I couldn't do a thing. I heard the other man laugh a bit, but I didn't know why, and honestly I didn't care.
Dan started to pull my pants down again, but I kicked my feet to try to get him to stop. I didn't want this, I just wanted to go home, or be at Starbucks with (F/n), not here, not with these rapists.
"Hey, do you want the punishment to be worse?" the other man asked, and I could tell that he was smirking.
I could feel their eyes staring at me; it burned, knowing that I was the center of attention.
It sounded distant, but I could've sworn I heard an American accent, and the sound of something falling down. Dan stopped what he was doing and pulled my pants up.
"Shit. Phil, we gotta go," Dan muttered, and I assumed that the other man was Phil.
"Uncuff her, I'll carry her. As soon as you're done, grab as much of our money as you can and get in the car," Phil replied to Dan, and I felt the cuffs drop off of my wrists.
"(Y/n), come on, we'll finish this later," Dan said, and I sat up quickly. Phil picked me up bridal style and ran out of the room, Dan on his heels.
"Get in the backseat with her. Tie her up, do whatever the hell you want. Just don't get us caught." Phil muttered, Dan nodded and Phil opened a door that led to the outside.
I took a deep breath in of the fresh London air; although it didn't smell too good, that was the best I could get at the moment.
Phil opened the door to the car, throwing me into the back seat. I scrambled towards the far edge of the car, not wanting to be near Dan anymore.
To be honest, I was starting to like Dan. He smiled when I was singing, he didn't seem too terrible until this "Phil" guy came along. But enough about that.
Dan climbed in soon after, with several bags in his hands. Phil jumped in and drove off.

Dan must've gone back very fast to get that money... I thought, curling up into a ball. Dan looked out of the window but quickly turned towards me, smirking slightly. He looked at Phil with a grin, then crawled towards me.
"Dan, no, please don't do this..." I whispered, closing my eyes and holding my hands up in front of my face.
"Why not, babe?" He said in a seductive tone.
"Dan, I-I thought you weren't going to hurt me..." I said quietly, not moving. I heard shuffling, and opened one eye to see that Dan had moved backwards, sitting on the far side of the car.
"I-I wasn't going to, I promised, didn't I? I'll explai-"
"Dan! Front seat!" Phil cut him off with a stern tone, and I stared at Dan as he gulped and moved to the front seat.

What the hell? Why is Phil so aggressive with Dan? What a stern tone. At least he isn't going to rape me or some shit like that...

New thoughts and ideas popped into my head, but I pushed them away.

Who were those Americans that invaded the building?

That's a better question. Americans in London are usually tourists, but why did that one sound like he was working for the police? Maybe they had come to rescue me, but these experts in crime were too quick for them.

After what seemed like hours, we arrived at a newer looking building. Dan and Phil got out of the car, grabbing the bags of money and bringing the inside.

Now's my chance! I thought, opening the door and looking around. The other buildings seemed friendly, but I couldn't be sure, so I just started running. After a couple of blocks, I stopped to catch my breath.

I'm free! I thought. I ran away from those lunatic criminals!

I began to walk again, not running at full speed, but moving fast. The area I was in seemed friendly, nothing suspicious in the alleyways, maybe a few drug dealers, but not much. My getaway was perfect.
Well, not quite.
Now that I escaped them, there was the question of a place to stay, food to eat, money to earn and spend...
I came to a stop on a street corner, where I could hear young children playing outside. They sounded happy, lucky them. They don't have to run from fucking criminals.

Stop complaining, at least you weren't raped and aren't dead.

I realized that I was getting off track, and I needed to keep moving or I wasn't going to find anything before the sun set. I looked across the street and bolted, coming across another alleyway. Quickly, I checked to see if there were any mysterious drug dealers and found none, so I sat down in an area of shade.

"Wassup, bitch?"

I jumped a bit and scrambled to my feet, looking around for the source of the voice.

"Hey, hey, pretty lady!"

It was the same voice. It sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn't make it out.

"You must be (Y/n)!" He yelled, and I heard laughter from two or three other people.

"H-how do you know my name?" I retorted.

"Everyone in the criminal word knows."


"Name's Tyler. Call me Ty, or Daddy." The man said. I rolled my eyes but stood still. Then I realized.

There weren't police chasing us.

It was another gang of thieves.

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