Nine; kitten clifford

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"Mikey!"Louis squealed as soon as he opened the door, jumping into his best friends arms. Michael and Louis had met a few years ago when they were getting their doms assigned, they instantly became friends and found out both their doms worked together.

Michael was about as tiny as Lou, he was 5'4 while louis was 5'0, their doms were in the 6' range. Michael hugged him back, the kitten ears he was wearing slightly moving off his head.

They pulled away, Louis fixing the kitten ears. "Those are so cute!"Louis squealed, looking at them with bright eyes.

"My daddy bought them for me."Michael blushed, smiling at his daddy, Luke, who was talking to Liam.

"Wanna go play?"Louis asked bouncing on his tippy toes. Michael nodded, walking over to their doms with Lou.

"Daddy can we go play?"Louis asked giving him puppy dog eye. Liam nodded leaning down to peck him on the lips.

Louis grabbed Mikey's hand and they sprinted up the stairs and into the playroom. Once they entered they both sat down on the bean bags and picked out which coloring books they wanted to color.

"This one has kittens."Louis giggled, sliding a coloring book with kittens on the cover to Mikey. He immediately fell in love with it and began to color all the cute little kittens.

Louis decided to go with his Spider-Man one, his daddy had said if he finishes coloring it he'll get a present. They both fell into a silence as they concentrated on coloring, until Louis broke it.

"I miss Cal."Louis whispered and Mikey's head shot up, a slight pang in his chest. Michael was their best friend, the three of them were together nearly every day.

Calum's Dom, Ashton, worked in the more dangerous part of The Payne Enterprise. He had gotten a threat from one of their enemies but dismissed it when he thought they were bluffing.

He only started taking it seriously when he found his sub dead on the kitchen floor.

Finding out was one of the worst day's of Louis' life, and him not being allowed to leave the house for months didn't help either. After Calum's death Liam became extremely over protective of his baby boy, always making sure he was safe or right by his side.

Louis shook his head, wanting to forget the dark memory and focus on his coloring. He saw a few tears leave Michael's eyes but the boy quickly wiped them away and continued coloring.

Lou dropped his book and scooted over to Mikey, wrapping his arms around him. "It's okay Mikey, we'll be okay."Louis whispered, both to Michael and himself.

"Pinky promise?"The kitten whimpered out, holding up his pinky.

"Pinky promise."Louis nodded, intertwining their fingers. They ended up falling asleep like that, cuddled up together.

The dom's walked into the room laughing but immediately quieted down when they saw their baby boy's.

"Kitten."Luke cooed, swiping a bit of hair off Michael's forehead. Mikey shook his head nuzzling into the bean bag more.

"It's time for dinner baby."Liam whispered in Louis' ear, pressing a kiss to his forehead. Louis opened his eyes into little slits and looking up at Liam.

"Daddy?"Louis whispered tiredly, and Liam smiled.

"I'm right here baby."He whispered, picking him up bridal style.

"Didn't wear contacts today, glasses."Louis mumbled, pointing to his glasses which were sitting on the shelf

Liam chuckled, walking over and carefully picking up the glasses with louis still in his arms, handing them to him.

Louis put them on and blinked a few times before looking up at his Dom and smiling. "Thank you daddy."He giggled, nuzzling into Liam's chest.

"C'mon it's time for dinner."He sighed, setting Louis down with a pat on the bum. The smaller nodded, turning around and seeing Michael was fully awake after getting a kiss from his Dom.

Once the group arrived to the dining room and sat down, Liam told one of the maids to bring out the food.

The doms had plated of steak and potatoes while the subs had bowls of Mac and Cheese. Louis smiled when he saw it was his favorite, white cheddar.

The youngest smiled at each other before beginning to eat. They spent the meal making small conversation, mostly about the company.

"Why don't you and Lou go play for another hour and then we have to go home."Luke said and both boys nodded, quickly sprinting out of the room giggling.

The two doms shook their heads with small smiles on their faces. They were absolutely in love with their boys.

"So how's Michael been acting?"Liam asked pouring two drinks. Luke shrugged, taking his drink from Liam's hand.

"He's been good, not causing much trouble."

"Lucky."Liam chuckled.

"Has Louis been troublesome lately?"Luke asked sipping at his whiskey.

"He's always been a sassy little shit, but lately he's been having trouble closing his mouth."He admitted.

"Have you been giving him punishments?"Luke asked and Liam nodded, taking a pretty big gulp of his drink.

"Yeah but he's so stubborn ugh."He stressed.

"Make the punishments worse then?"Luke suggested and Liam's eyebrow raised.

"That's a great idea."Liam smiled and Luke nodded. The continued their talk about punishments and such until they both agreed it was far too past their sub's bedtimes.

"Michael!"Luke called from downstairs and the two boys immediately came running down the stairs.

"It's time to go home."Luke said. The subs frowned, looking down.

"Don't be sad, the New Years' party is in less than a week, you'll see each other again there."Liam reminded and both boys immediately smiled again.

"Bye Mikey."Louis sighed hugging Michael.

"Bye Lou."He sighed, pulling away and walking to his daddy, who wrapped his arm round him.

"Thanks for having us."Luke smiled as Liam opened the door for him. Once the couple was gone Liam walked up to Lou and wrapped his arms around him.

Louis looked up at him fondly, yawning before blinking slowly. "You tired baby boy?"Liam asked and Lou nodded.

Liam led him to the bedroom, making sure Louis doesn't trip over his own feet. "Careful."Liam chuckled when the sleepy boy almost ran into a wall.

Once they finally reached the bedroom Liam stripped Louis to his underwear and put one of his shirts on him. Louis immediately fell asleep once his head hit the pillow.

"Night baby boy."Liam whispered, kissing his princess's forehead.


Total filled chapter but shit will happen next chapter I promise

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