Four; butt plug

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Another mini(ish) chapter!


"I told you to be good and once again you didn't listen to me."Liam scolded as they walked out of the theater.

"But daddy that play was so boring, how could you expect me not to dose off."Louis pouted and began to swing their intertwined hands.

Liam stopped walking and turned to Louis. "Are you a brat,Louis?"Liam asked and Louis shook his head.

"Because you've been acting like one lately, maybe the government made a mistake."He raised his eyebrow beginning to walk again.

"No I'm a little! I swear."Louis defended, an innocent look on his face.

"And what are little's supposed to do huh?"

Louis' looked at the ground, stopping the swinging of their arms. "Listen to their daddy's."He whispered and Liam nodded.

"Have you been listening to me lately?"The dom asked and Louis shook his head. Liam opened the door of the car so that Louis could get in, jogging to get in the drivers side after.

"You're getting one hell of a punishment when we get home."Liam mumbled, setting his hand on Louis' thigh. The younger boy gulped, biting his lip and playing with his fingers.

"Can I pick the music?"Louis asked politely and Liam nodded, pulling onto the highway. The car ride home consisted of Louis blasting Ed Sheeran and his daddy laughing at him singing at the top of his lungs.

Once they reached the house, Liam helped him out of the car and locked it before heading inside. "When I get upstairs I want you naked and on your stomach, understand?"

"Yes, daddy."The submissive replied, sprinting up the stairs and stripping himself at a record time. He heard Liam walking up the stairs so he threw himself onto the bed.

Liam walked in, taking off his coat in the process. Once it was off he walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge and running his hands over Louis' bum.

He smacked the right cheek making Louis' body jolt, chuckling as Louis whimpered. "Sit up for me baby."Liam instructed, walking over to the dresser and opening the "punishment" drawer.

Louis got onto his knees as Liam walked over to him with rope in his hands. He grabbed Louis' arms and tied them behind his back, making sure the rope was extra tight.

"What are you gonna do to me?"Louis questioned and Liam gave him an evil smirk.

"You'll see."

Louis heard shuffling behind him, probably Liam getting something else out of the drawer. He felt Liam's large hand on his back, pushing his upper body down so that his bum was on display.

Liam lubed up the butt plug before begging to insert it into Louis, who started to whimper immediately. Once it was in he examined how pretty Louis looked with it, smiling to himself.

The little felt the butt plug pressing against his prostate, every time he shifted it would just press harder. "Is that all daddy?"

"Oh you wish baby boy,"Liam smiled, showing Louis a little remote he had in his hand and pressing a button on it making the butt plug begin to lightly vibrate.

"Now I'm gonna do some work, I'll be back to take it out in an hour."Liam said kissing Louis' forehead.

Louis didn't reply just buried his face in the sheets. He heard Liam walk out of the room and shut the door, leaving him alone, and a whimpering mess.

It didn't take long for him to reach his first orgasm of the night, cumming all over the sheets with a loud moan. Just as his orgasm ended he felt the plug vibrate faster than before.

"Fucking Liam." Louis thought. He rarely even thought about his daddy's actual name, not that it mattered.

Louis' breath hitched as he whimpered and moaned, many of his moans included "daddy."

Two more orgasms later Louis was a wreck, tears streaming down his face as the unholy object vibrated against his abused prostate. He checked the time and saw he had around fifteen minutes left.

That's when he felt the plug start to vibrate like crazy, probably the highest setting. Louis cried out, sobbing into his pillow.

"Daddy please!"He cried, trying to undo the knot that tied his hands together. He felt another orgasm coming, checking the time he has seven minutes left.

When he reached the orgasm he came dry, slipping in and out of consciousness and lights flashing every time he opened his eyes. He was crying more than he ever had before.

He was still balling when he felt the butt plug being taken out, his hands set free. "Shh baby boy."Liam cooed pulling the smaller into his lap.

"D-Daddy."Louis sobbed, as Liam wrapped his comfort blanket around him. He rocked him back and fourth, whispering sweet nothings into his ear as he began to calm down and regain consciousness of what was happening around him.

Louis sniffled as he finally stopped crying, looking up at his daddy. "I'm sorry baby."Liam mumbled, kissing his cheek as he held him tight.

"It hurts."Louis whimpered.

"I know angel, tomorrow we'll spend the entire day in bed, how does that sound?"The dom cooed and Louis smiled weakly.

"And why don't you pick what we have for dinner in a few hmm?"Liam suggested and Louis nodded.

"Can we have Mac and Cheese? The one with spider man on it?"Louis yawned.

"Of course, plum."Liam smiled.

"I'm tired daddy."Louis said cuddling into Liam.

"Why don't you nap in the guest room while I change the sheets and make dinner, yeah?"Louis nodded, feeling himself being picked up and walked down the hall to the guest room in Liam's muscular arms.

The moment his head hit the pillow he fell asleep, clutching onto his daddy. Liam chuckled, wiggling his shirt out of Louis' fist which had a pretty tight grip.

He pulled the duvet over him and kissed his soft lips before going to make dinner.

Because he would do anything for his baby.

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