The photo

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The noise from the cafeteria almost can be heard from the 2nd floor already.

Moreover, its not just from the cafeteria, but from all the classes.

Some of the students even running in the corridor which unfortunately catched by the president who walked passed by them.

Akashi already feel his energy drown by listening all the noisy student and scold the student about ... Everything.

Basically, Akashi just makes it even more difficult for himself.

Finally he arrived at the cafeteria. Which looks like a sea full of human screaming around.

" Mr ! I want yakisoba ! "

" Mrs, the sandwhich ! "

" Beef rice please ! "

" Oi, thats mine ! "

" Me first ! "

" Get out of the way. "

Looking this chaos Akashi only let out a small sigh and avert his eyes from the crowds.

Suddenly from all the noisy sound, Akashi heard someone calling his last name.

" Akashi ! Here ! "
Shout a blonde guy from the right table while waving his both hand.

Akashi walked towards them and he look at the table which... Empty.

" You all already eaten yet ? "
Asked Akashi pulling his chair to sit.

" Nah, not yet. We were waiting for you. So, what do you want to eat? "
Said Reo excitedly while already prepared to stand up.

" I will just order it myself. "
Said Akashi already prepared to stand up too.

" Really? Aren't you tired from walking from the 3rd floor? "

" Its okay, are you misunderstanding me, Reo ? "

" E-eh...of course not Sei-chan! "
Smiled Reo forcingly.

" After all, there's something I want to tell you too. "

Reo just looked at the two guys behind Akashi. But the idiots just shrug they're shoulder and looked away.

They must be thinking Reo got into student council problem or something, so yeah, its not there problem.

Reo just give a confused look at Akashi until Akashi walk passed Reo.

" H-hey, wait for me Sei-chan~ "

. . .

" E-eh ?! "

" Lower your voice. "

" Y-yes, but I mean... Yuki Togane really came to you? "

" Yes, and how dare she just gave the student document now. "

Waiting for the yakisoba and ramen, both of them stand and waiting in front of the seller. Well, they won't be disturbed by the crowd, since no one want to get near of them.


Actually, no one want to get near the president.

The moment they saw the read head and his secretary, they will just move away or change their mind without thinking twice.

Past Present Future [ Akashi Seijuro X OC ] Knb FanficWhere stories live. Discover now