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" Yesterday... I talked with Akashi..."
She thought still in daze.

She can't believe it, its only been 3 days since she promised not to get near him, and she already broke it.

" Wait ! No I'm not! I-i mean... It was an accident right? "
She insist.

Her thought becoming crazier and crazier every time she thinking back at that time.

She knew that Akashi has a beautiful like ruby eyes, but looking closely its even more beautiful than any ruby in the world.


" EH??????? Why did I have to think it again??? Stop it Yuki!! "
She then messing with her hair and almost fangirling in the middle of crowd.

When she realized that some of the passenger looking at her weird act, she quickly let down her hand quickened her pace.

" Idiot >///< "




Akashi looking at the outside by the window. He resting his head on his fist. He looked bored.

The traffic light sure take his time. In annoyance, he looked at his wrist, and the clock hand pointing at 6:05.

Well, of course technically he won't late. But he's going to late in his own rules.

He can't do anything about the traffic light, he once thought maybe he should use faster way to go to the school. Like, with a train.

It will only takes 5-8 minutes for walked from the station to the school, and more or less, its only take 10 minutes from his house to the station.

Its not like he avoid using train, its just if he still can use his car he won't take the train.

He let out a little sigh and shifted his gaze to the pavement.

Suddenly something catched his gaze.

A white one.

" Yuki? "
His boredom suddenly lifted as he looked at her walking with so much effort.

Her body is smaller compared to the people around her. Thus, it looks like she's sinking in the crowd.

He only looked at her through the glass, its not really that far from his car, yet he only can watch her struggling.

He find it amusing, for her small body to take this crowd everyday.

But then again, she should be in the school already, is she late?

He thought maybe they can go together to the school with his car. But no.

He can't let such a thing happened.

He won't take a bother to do that, yet he still looking sternly at her.

Her mouth looks like a fish, its opened and closed really fast, it feels like that she's hardly catching her breath.

He pity her.

But that's it.

He shifted his gaze to the front, and looked at the traffic light.

Past Present Future [ Akashi Seijuro X OC ] Knb FanficWhere stories live. Discover now