The beast's silent

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" Don't touc-- pardon me, Yuki. Please, would you let go of my hand? "
Asked the redhead let out a small sigh.

He stared at the blue eyes in front of him. For a moment he felt a nostalgic feeling. But he shrugged it off, thinking he shouldn't get too concern with it.

" E-eh... Yes... I'm sorry, Akashi-san. "
She replied lowering her head.

She then do as what he said, her finger let go of his hand one by one.

Looking at her, he feel guilty. Which is never in his life. He let out a sigh and kneeling in front of her.

This time, instead her hand who chasing his, its his finger who take her hand gently.

Yuki startled by the sudden warmth strangling her palm.

As she fixed her face to the front, her clear blue sky meet his blazing eyes.

" Listen, Yuki. I'm really grateful for your help. I'm apologize if my act looks not like it, but I'm deeply indebted to you. "
He thanked with a gentle looking eyes instead a smile.

But, even his eyes is already enough to make Yuki flattered.

" N-no, I've never think you like that. I-i knew my place for not... Getting too close to you. S-so its really okay, I'm happy enough to see you... Well. "
She reasoned, giving a small blush on her cheek.

" Is that so? Thank you for your understanding. I will repay my debt when I have the change. "
He then let go of her cold hand and start to stand up.

" Y-yes... Don't think about it. "
She replied with a small voice which almost can't be heard.

After that, he bid his farewell to her politely and start to take a ride to his house.

In reply, Yuki bowed to him too and saw him off to the car.

. . .

Akashi POV

" cold..."
He muttered.

" Are you cold Akashi-sama? Do you want me to turn off the air conditioner? "
Worried the driver glancing his master from the rear view mirror.

" No I'm not. Please just let it be. "
He replied and crossing his finger together.

" Yes, Akashi-sama. "

Passing car lights, the lights of the building, everything looks dazzling. Like stars scattered in the sky.

Its too dazzling which make Akashi averted his eyes to his hand again.

" Her hand... Is really cold huh? Is she always like that? Thinking others before herself... How naïve. "
He closed his eyes as he let out a deep breath.

" But in the end, I'm indebted to her... Now what should I do to repay her? "




Author-san POV

" I'm home... "
The girl greeted.

" Welcome home! Yuki! "

Suddenly a woman's voice answered her worriedly. A running step could be heard from the kitchen.

Past Present Future [ Akashi Seijuro X OC ] Knb FanficWhere stories live. Discover now