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" Sama... Seijurou-sama. "

Suddenly a familiar voice disturbed his slumber.

A guy sitting comfortably on the back seat, slowly he opened his eye lids.
" Yes? "
He answered.

The driver that stand beside the guy think that maybe he's master not fully conscious yet. That in fact, Akashi is staring at his house, yet he looks like didn't want to go out from the car yet.

" We already arrived at your house, Seijurou-sama. "

" I know that. It's my house, do you think I didn't recognize it ? "

" N-no, of course not, Master. "

They both silent for a few second. Until Akashi decided to take his bag and step out of the car.

He stand on the front door which greeted by 6 maids bowing to him.

" Welcome back Seijurou-sama. "

" Yes, I'm home. "

One of the maids then take his bag and follow behind him. They walk to the upstairs that lead to Akashi's room. His room is face straight to the front yard in his house, which really green and serene, looks like a typical European style garden.

. . .

He unbuttoned his light brown blazer one by one and then tossed it on the bed. His eyes still looked unfocused, like his mind is somewhere far from his body.

While unbuttoning his dark brown T-shirt one by one, he looked at the full body mirror that reflect his beautiful small figure.

After he done with all the button, the mirror reflect his half naked body. Such a beautiful,flawless,fair skin. Its really contrast to the burning red hair and that ruby-like eyes, but that's just what make him stand out so much.

But, his skin is not un-flawless anymore ... After that flaw reflection.

A scar.

A vertical scar with 6 or 7 stitched on the stomach right side.

The wound already closed, but it left a huge bother to him. He doesnt remember clearly how did he get this scar, but what he heard from his father is that he fell on the stairs from second floor to first, he wounded badly that he had to hospitalized for 2 weeks, and must rest and not to eat carelessly for 5-6 weeks.

After that he back to his routine, but... Scar, still bothering him. Sometimes he felt his chest really tightened when he touch his own scar.

He looked at the mirror with a hollow gaze, suddenly he remember the dream he had in the car this evening.

" ... What a nightmare... "
He thought rubbing his scar.

A nightmare that ... Hadn't came since a couple of months ago. Its true that sometimes he got this weird dream, and he always got an uneasy feeling. But nevertheless he doesn't really care much.

He blinked twice and back into his steady and uptight personality again. He going into the bathroom and started to turn on the shower.




" How was your day dear? "

" U-um... To-today, I met a few people, and I talked to the Student Council President too... All of them is man though... "

" Awwww, congrats dear ! Finally you began to talk with others, so what did you talk with them? "

" E-eh?! I... I don't really know, they talking about ... A horror story? And then, we scream so loudly that one of the guy with beautiful face beat the other two guys lightly... "

" Oh my! I don't expect things to be so fast! You already made friends and even telling horror stories together! That's wonderful! So so, what else? "

" ... Emm... I talked to the President about my student document thing... and the photo... "

"Oh yeah, so... What did he say? "

" He said I should give him the recent photo I have, not the one when I'm 4th grade. "

" Ahahaha, oh dear ! You really gave that one to him ? Hahaha. "

" D-dont laugh mom! Gee... "

" Haha, okay okay sorry... By the way, what did he looks like? "

" E-eh? Umm... A beautiful one. He more beautiful than the first guy I mentioned, buy the president looks a bit... Scarier and intimidating. "

" That's just how every Student Council President is, dear. Huh, now I remember how scary and annoying the president in my high school that time. "

" Y-yeah... He has... A blazing red hair, even his sharp eye is like a ruby. His skin is pale too, but he doesn't look sick a least. He talked in a polite way too, and even ... Called me by my first name. "

" What?! Oh gosh! Don't tell me he already catched by your beauty! Wow, he really do have a sharp eye to be already that close~ "

" M-mom, don't tease me! Gee... I-im not that beautiful you know... After all I always covered my face how can people see my face? "

" You are beautiful dear, inside and outside. The most important thing is, in your heart. "
The mother then point Yuki's chest with her index finger and smiling warmly to her.

For a second Yuki's cheek become hot as a blush blooming in her cheek.

But then she got up and walking to her bed room. A simple one bed with a desk I'm front of the window. Her window is face straight to the road, sometimes she get scared of it, but she would just cover it with the curtain.

*tick tock tick tock*
Only the ticking sound that resound I'm the room. Nothing more, nothing less.

She looked at the ticking clock, its 9:40. She think that she should go to sleep now even though she's not really that sleepy yet. But anyway she would just force it.

She turn off the light and lying on her bed, she remembering all the thrilling things she had today in school.

Met those three was accidentally but it was a bit fun too, and talked to the president...

" sigh... "

She let out a small sigh, it makes her feel a bit better now, even though they say every time we sigh, we just let go the happiness we have.

" But meeting that face again... I hope I don't have a nightmare tonight."
She prayed.

After that thought, she close her eyelids and back to her slumber.



I'm so sorryyyy because this chapter is sooooooooo crappy. Huhu, I promise I will do better in the next chap, thank you.┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Past Present Future [ Akashi Seijuro X OC ] Knb FanficWhere stories live. Discover now