Forgotten Scar

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" *hic* *hic* is... Is he gonna be alright?"

" He is, Yuki. Its okay, please don't cry anymore."

A gentle long finger, rubbed Yuki's tears away gently. Makuro give a reassuring smile as she pat her head.

" Don't worry Yuki, I swear I'm gonna make him all feel better again! "
Cheered the guy kneeling in front of Yuki who sitting on the waiting chair.

Yuki remove her tears and look into Ishida. In reply he gave a trusty look and begin to rise up.

Ishida and Makuro start to leave her and going to the patients room.

Looking at her childhood friend's back who now wearing a medical attire, make her proud of them. But now, she only can crossed her fingers and pray for the best.

. . .

" How's his blood pressure? "
Asked the doctor preparing his stethoscope.

" The blood pressure is kinda high. Maybe he's tired ? "
Replied Makuro while keeping an eye on the sfigmomanometer.

" Alright, let me hear the heart--"
Just as Ishida opened the shirt his eyes widened at a former stitches at his left stomach.

A stitches that he well know. Even though he's handling the patient right now, it feel like he's the one that need to go to the doctor.

Even though he's listening to his patient's heartbeat, he heard his own heartbeat that just has stopped instead.

He never felt this shaky except his first time of operating someone at his first time being a surgeon, his hand shivered as his hand make a way to touch the scar.

" Ishida what's wrong? Why are-- Ishida? What is... It... "
Just like a cat got her tongue, she speechless and froze when she saw the stitch mark on Akashi's skin.

" This mark... Its--"

" A-anyway, we don't have the time for this. Let's continue the examination."
Cut Ishida composing himself again.

. . .
" Orange leaves falling down, blown by the wind to fly. Just as you will blown by the wind in the autumn. Don't you feel cold? Cold wind that reside in your heart even though that soft pale cheeks burning in red. "

To be honest, I greatly admire the protagonist. He's so composed, has a firm determination, and moreover he's really beautiful in a way.

" Is he? In what way?"

He just accept it and face the world. He's strong, yet fragile. He always win, yet he has to lose something.

" Its not like he got any choice. "

Don't say that, life is full of choices. But its an invisible choice, so many choice that will intertwine your fate with another.

Past Present Future [ Akashi Seijuro X OC ] Knb FanficWhere stories live. Discover now