Fear,Fix,Fragile [ special 2000 words lol]

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Another day with a beautiful sky. A vast blue sky with a little brush of white cloud. The students chatter even make this day more alive.

A red hair guy that stand out so much, walking in his normal pace to the teacher's room. As he holding a certain students document.

. . .

" Excuse me. "
He greeted politely as he bowed a little to the teacher in front of his desk.

" Ah, Akashi. You bring what I asked? "
Asked the teacher as he turned his chair to him.

" Yes, Akibara-sensei . Here the student list with a minim present. "

" Thank you

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" Thank you. Let me check it a minute. "
He said.

Just as sensei said, he flip the document back and forth and sometimes stare it a while. As Akashi looking at his action, he realized that sensei separate Yuki's document with the others.

" May I ask? "
Asked Akashi.

" Yes? "
He replied without even looking at him, he still checking the document.

" Why did you separate Yuki's document with the others? "

Immediately, sensei stopped his hand even though his eyes still nailed at the document.

" You know her? "
He asked bluntly.

" Yes. We met a couple of times. "

" Oh. "
He just give an Oh to him even without a least of curiosity.

" So, why did you separate it? "
Akashi continued still standing beside him.

Sensei glanced at him sharply, but he regret it a little bit since Akashi's eyes looking at him even sharper than him.

" *sigh* you said you met her a couple of times right? "
He stated.

" Yes. "

Sensei then placed his student document and turn his chair facing Akashi.

" I asume you already know about her circumstances? "

" Depending on which circumstances?"

" Which one do you know? "

" About her being sick and always absent?"

"... well, you're not completely wrong. "

" Excuse me, is that mean I'm still lack of some information? "

Suddenly the air around them is becoming heavier. The awkward pause after the last question thrown.

They both clash a glare. But ofcourse, Akibara won't stand a chance with Akashi.

" Depending on which circumstances you said, right? "

It feels like this teacher just trolling on Akashi again and again. No one can't played with Akashi's words. And no one will.

Past Present Future [ Akashi Seijuro X OC ] Knb FanficWhere stories live. Discover now