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Walking in haste, Akashi almost clicked his tongue in annoyed.

10 minutes ago...

" Yuki is still not coming to class? "

" Ah... Yeah. Actually never ccoming to class. "
Said the 2-C class rep, gave a sheepish smile.

It feels like a vein just pop out in his head, he looked annoyed-- really annoyed to the news he got.

The present...

" Why? Why? Why she haven't going to class yet? Where is she now? "
His head is so full of question of her right now.

At first he intend to scout her to be the treasurer in Student Council, but instead he got this news.

And moreover, what's going his nerve is it seems no one care for her. Even the classrep didn't search her thoroughly.

" Why is it always have to be me? Everyone is so useless! "
He cursed under his mind.

* Creak *

He opened the door to the rooftop.

" No one's here... "

He thought maybe she would be here since the last time he met her, she ran from the rooftop direction.

This time he really clicked his tongue. He's really confused. This morning they've met, and even talk. But why suddenly she--

" Oh. Is it because this morning? Is she sick? "

He suddenly remembered when she's in pain because someone bumped into her.

He decided to think about it later, he must hurried to class before he the bell ring.

Just when he want to leave the rooftop, he felt he just kicked something.

When he realized it, he stopped his step and looked below.

" What is this? "

he knelt down and take the thing which he had kicked. It has a long cabel which divided into two.

" An earphone? "

He confused, but he's sure that someone was here.

He pick it up and he's eyes widened when he saw a name on the cabel.

" Yuki Togane. "




" Yuki Togane-san. Once again, Yuki Togane-san. "

Finally Yuki snapped out from her thought by the sound of the nurse calling her name.

" Y-yes! " she startled.

The nurse looked at her and give a signal 'You can come in' with her hand opening the door to the doc's room.

.  .  .

" Good afternoon... "
She greeted the doc politely.

" Oh, Yuki-chan. How are you? You doing well?~ "
Asked the doctor giving a wide smile to her.

Past Present Future [ Akashi Seijuro X OC ] Knb FanficWhere stories live. Discover now