I Know My Heart's Missing a Piece

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" In this unjust world, the only certainty is death. "

" The world is fair because it's unfair to anyone. "

" There is no such thing as a coincidence in this world. "

If those  words is not enough to unraveling the rubik within life, then there's no words fit enough to translate human's feeling.

The white room that people with white uniform are working, where antiseptic and other drugs smell lingering in the air. Thought it was an afterlife, and yet it could be just the start of a new life for some people.

Sometimes, in the middle of those place chaotic day, you could hear people's weeping. Either vaguely or clearly. In the hallway or in front of a certain room. Even though it's a hospital--where people go there to heal their scars-- there's no medicine to heal human heart.

" Yuki! Yuki! Please hang in there alright?! Mother will waiting for you! Please don't leave mother alone! Be strong Yuki! Yuki...! "
A woman with messy updo hair, running carelessly as she followed her daughter on the bed to the Emergency Room.

" Tokio-san, you can't follow us inside. Please stay here and be calm. I will save your daughter. "
Assured the doctor with certainty.

" Please! I beg you Ishida-kun, please save my Yuki! She's the only one I have! Please... please... save her... ugh... "
She cried heavily as she grabbed the doctor's cloak.

" Yes, Tokio-san. Now please stay here and wait for your daughter. I'll save Yuki-chan's smile.  "
And so, the doctor with his white cloak, left his dear friend's mother waiting in worries.

The moment Ishida stepped beyond those red line of the emergency room, there's only one reflection behind those thin glasses. It's the smile of his precious.

" I will save you, Yuki. "




" Makuro-nee. "

" Ishida, are you alright? Can you do it? "

" ...W-what are you talking about, Sheesh! I'm a doctor and a surgeon to that. Ofcourse I'm prepared for something like this. "

Ishida blushed a bit before completly went pale when saw Yuki's body laying on the operation bed

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Ishida blushed a bit before completly went pale when saw Yuki's body laying on the operation bed.

Makuro only gave an invisible bitter smile behind her mask.

" ... H-how's the condition? "

" She... has a bone fracture in her left tempering knees, ankles, and sternum. It seems almost looked like her left side is completly--"

" That's enough.... Tch. Let's begin the operation. "

"...Yes, doctor. "


Past Present Future [ Akashi Seijuro X OC ] Knb FanficWhere stories live. Discover now