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" Yes. "
She said steadily. Its really out of her character, but when she do that, it means she really being serious.

Reo Admitted that he was a bit shocked at the time, he didn't think that she will said that steadily, it's like she didn't think it twice. Maybe... All this time, its just his paranoid? Just his imagination? Just his selfishness? But he doesn't really care anymore.

The silence becoming even louder as the tension become heavier and heavier.

" Alright. You said it. Now, I won't search anything about you again, since you're not someone anymore. "
He already turn his body to the right side as he ready to leave.

Now, he completely turn his back from her, just when he suddenly stopped his step and tilt his head 3/4 degree to her.

" Just for the last... "

She gulped down, thinking any kind of words that will followed his sentence.

" Say, why don't you ever go to class? "

" Ah... "
She's a bit relieved, she didn't think that... Reo would ask such a trivial things... It almost looks like he's worrying her, but yeah, it must be just her imagination.

" I... I can't, because I'm incompetent. "

"... Is that so? Said the girl who got rank in top 5. "
He just chuckled and completely left her. Leaving her alone crumbling on the floor, her body feels weak, swear is all over her temple, her breath is become normal again.

" Hah... I'm sweating so much just from talking to a person... If I can sweating like this, I shouldn't need to go to P.E class just to get some sweat. "
She whined.

She looked up at the blue sky with a slightly white clouds drawing a line in the sky.

She thought, " Ah, what a beautiful sky, just like that time... "




" -kun... "

" Shi-kun... "

" Akashi-kun? "
His teammate's voice finally reached him.

" Ah, yes, Eikichi what is it? "
He replied turning his gaze to the guy beside him.

" The break is over, are you okay? You keep staring at the sky. Is it going to rain? "
He asked glancing at the blue sky from the window.

" Nonsense. A sky that this beautiful wouldn't shed a drop of water. "
He closed his eyes and then walk past the guy.

" Well, who knows, maybe even the sky scared of you. "
Teased Eikichi in heart raised both of his eyebrows.

The practice once again, begin.




TIMESKIP ( 3 days later.)

" Man... Akashi is really harsh as always huh... We practice for a week nonstop. "

" Yeah... But I guess the victory that we achieved is worth it. "

" Huh? He just do it himself right? Oh and with his 3 dogs. "

" Shhh... Don't say it too loudly, they will hear you. "

The group that gossiping them then leave casually as the devil showed up in the corridor.

Past Present Future [ Akashi Seijuro X OC ] Knb FanficWhere stories live. Discover now