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*ding dong ding dong*

The first break bell is just like the sound of heaven coming out of nowhere for the students.

While the student mostly going to the cafeteria, a group of 7 to 10 people walked to gym, lead by a stand out red color in front of them.

Before going further, Akashi sent a message to Reo.

" Don't forget to ask Yuki about the recent photo. "

" Yes Sei-chan~ "

In the other hand, even if Reo looks laying around with this task, actually he's really pumped out. He definitely would search more information about her.

He walked casually in the corridor, usually he would hang with Kotarou and Eikichi, but they probably in the gym with Akashi, so... Yeah, he doesn't really feel to go to the cafeteria. He would just eat some bread.

He eat the bread while staring at his phone. He leaning on the window. Doing this remind him of this morning event.

He's back to the phone and search something on the internet.

" Hanami Matsuri train accident. "

Many results comes out.

Of course, he choose the first website.

He scroll down and just take a glance of the main topic.

" Hanami Matsuri train accident is a train accident which occurred in 1 June 20xx...
The investigation said the cause is believed to be a malfunction in the... The police said.... And then... "

He's scrolling down again and again, it seems he didn't find what he want until...

" This accident claimed many victims. From the 110 passengers, only 20 of them survived with a heavy injury and light.

The survivor name is in below. "

Before he continue to scroll down, he stopped his eating and gulped down his own saliva, it feels like he just gulped down his own fear.

Okay, here we go.
He thought.

1. Kazumi Hondou----- 21 years old man with severely wounded

2. Araki Honda ------- 32 years old woman with light wound.

3. Santian Radcliff ------ 31 years old woman with light wound.






16. Akashi Seijurou ------ 14 Years old severely wounded.


Past Present Future [ Akashi Seijuro X OC ] Knb FanficWhere stories live. Discover now