Our prayer at that time

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20 years before...

The birds chirping cheerily. The mild breeze blew away the green and yellow leaves, just like the wind itself is dancing with the tree branch as they make a nature sound.

The nature sound is indeed beautiful, but the most beautiful thing he saw is this smile.

The smile of the woman he love. A very gentle and bright smile. For him to have her smiling while seeping a cup of tea in his garden is truly a miracle.

Its true. That with his power, everything could be taken care of, but I guess not with his love life eh? He gulped down as he take a deep breath before opening the door knob which will led him to the garden.

To his oasis.

" Are you, by any chance, feel nervous, master? "
A deep man voice suddenly prick his master's ear.

" Are you mocking me, Takuto? How can a man like me get nervous over such a trivial things? "
Hissed the man as he glance at his back.

" I'm deeply apologize master, its just
... You seems to forgot to tie your shoelace. "
Said the butler giving a funny look as he looking down at his master's shoe.

The master seems really flustered as he order his seemingly-annoying butler to tie up his shoelace.

Nevertheless, he did it anyway. Takuto, a butler that vowed to be loyal for the rest of his life to his master. A silver white haired man with a sharp ash-mauve eyes that covered with a thin glass of his glasses.

After a few minutes, the two of them then take their step to the garden.

.   .  .

" Oh, good afternoon Masaomi-san. "
Greeted the woman bowed her head a little bit.

Her long red hair, beautifully left hung lengthwise. With her brown-sugar like eyes, it feels like that she's came from a different world.

" Good afternoon, Shiori. "
He greeted back.

He then sit on the chair in front of the woman.

" Nice weather today, isn't it? "
She asked with a beautiful smile plastered on her face.

" ... Yes, indeed. Very beautiful. "
He replied, letting his corner lips turned upside a little.

" How's your health? Feeling better? "
He asked while Takuto seems to preparing his tea.

" Yes i am. Its all thanks to you Masaomi-san. Yet, I'm sorry to be such a bother. "
She said with a bitter smile in it.

Looking at her smiling like that is always make his chest tightened.

" No, you are not a bother Shiori. Please, do not talk yourself like that. For you to be here is already a-- "

" Pfft... Hahaha. "
Suddenly the red hair woman let out a small laugh.

" Is there something funny Shiori? "
He asked with a tint of annoyed tone.

" I'm sorry Masaomi-san, its just... Haha, you're really worried about me, aren't you, Masaomi-san? "
She teased.

"... Of course, my beloved woman were sick due to a fever for 3 days. How could I not get worried? "

" Wh-what? Gee, Ma-masaomi-san... "
Suddenly it feels like that Shiori has been counter attacked by her own tease.

Looking at her rosy cheek get redder, the man found it really funny, to be defeated by her own words.

" Haha, how's that feel? To get teased? "
He asked giving a warm smile.

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