10 Years Later

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- After 10 years, pitch black is back and there is just one thing on his mind. Jack Frost. He will stop at nothing to get the boy on his side. No matter the cost. Will the guardians be able to save him in time or will they loose their youngest member?

-This is a very mild blackice fanfiction, Some Fluff.

-Photo above (Title Cover) is credited to QueenTechnol! Thanks for the lovely cover photo (:

-Inspiration comes from this picture: http://loonytwin.deviantart.com/art/join-me-jack-352135568 by loonytwin

- Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters (except for the brief mention of Ali). All rights go to the proper owners.

Jack's POV

It's been ten years; ten short years since the guardians first defeated the Boogieman. Jack has become rather close to them ever since, seeing them all as his family. North was like a father to him, and after the defeat of Pitch, Jack soon moved in with North at the Workshop. North always makes sure to help Jack out and freely gives his time to talk to him or to hang out - when it wasn't christmas, of course. North will even let him test all the toys, so long as the Yetis always watch, so nothing gets broken. Then there was Tooth, she was like a mother to Jack, though she has always been like that with all of the guardians. She is a bit overprotective - especially of Jack's teeth. When Jack wasn't out delivering snow to the kids, he would sometimes stop by to say hello to Tooth or to Baby Tooth. She was always worried when he went out on his own and wouldn't come back. Sure, Jack has spent 300 years alone, but even he needed some space; and though he hates to admit it, even from the guardians. Now Sandy, well him and Jack always had a close relationship with one another. Even though they only see each other at the regular guardians meeting or when Sandy is out delivering dreams to all the kids. Sandy is usually the busiest of them all. After all, it is always nighttime somewhere. Surprisingly to Jack, he has even become close to Bunny. Sure, they still prank and tease each other, but it's more of a friendly rivalry now with Bunny trying to out prank Jack and Jack trying to out prank Bunny. Bunny has become like an older brother to Jack, and he often looks up to Bunny. Not that he will ever know that nor ever tell him.

Jack decided to fly over Burgess and visit his favorite believer, Jamie Bennant. He is eighteen years old now and lives on his own but decided to stay in Burgess to be by his family. Jack doesn't see him often anymore due to him being in college, but he still tries when he can. Oddly enough, Jamie still believes. By the time Jamie and his friends turned fourteen, everyone but Jamie stopped believing. They often told Jamie that it was time to grow up and thinking him odd for still believing in Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny. Luckily, little Sophie still believes, but maybe not for much longer. Jamie has always been a bit different, though, always believed when no one else would. Something Jack is very grateful for. Over the years, Jack has gained many believers, not as much as the guardians, but enough to sustain him for as long as he continues to be a guardian. Though Jack has plenty of believers now, he doesn't want his first believer to stop believing. Jack asked Tooth about it once a few years ago asking if she remembered her first believer.

"Tooth, do you still remember your first believer?" he asked.

Tooth looked over at him, shocked by the question, "Well, actually I do. Why?"

"I was just thinking about how Jamie is already 18, but he still believes. I just... I just don't know if I'm ready for him to forget." Jack looked down at his feet, leaning silently against his staff.

"Jack....when my first believer stopped believing, I felt really sad, somewhat broken inside. Her name was Ali. She was twelve when she stopped believing. I continued to visit her for a few years until I realized that if I kept coming back, it would only hurt me more."

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