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-This is a blackice fic, there will be fluff!

- Inspiration comes from this picture: by loonytwin

- Cover photo (frostmare) provided by skeletonkitsune (Wattpad)

-Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of the characters! All rights go to the proper owners.

Guardian's POV

"Shhh, it's okay, Jack, let's go home." Pitch stepped into the shadows and held his hand out to Jack. Without a second look at the guardians, Jack smiled. "Home." With that, Jack and Pitch vanished without a trace. Leaving four guardians crumbled and broken.

All four of the guardians were gathered around the workshop. No one knew what to say or what to do. It's been a week since Jack was taken, and all they could do was stare at the giant glowing globe as if it held all the answers. They twitched at every little twinkle of light.

They had failed, and they had failed to protect the one thing that they all cared about the most. The one thing that made them a family. Before Jack had entered their lives, the rest of the guardians were friends, of course, but they only met every century to make sure everything was in order and no one was threatening the children. Now, though, they met almost every week to check up on one another. Jack made them family. And they had failed him. That was something that they would have to live with for the rest of their immortal lives.

Bunny was the first to break the silence, startling everyone. "That's it! We can't keep sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves. We have to go after him!"

"This is all my fault." North's booming voice broke through the ever present silence.

"North, it's not your fault. If anything, it's my fault. I should have been able to do something. Memories are my forte." Tooth was fluttering in the air, sobbing in her hands.

"This is no one's fault except Pitch's. Yes, we should have kept a closer eye on Jack, but no one thought Pitch would rise to power so soon." Bunny was trying to cheer everyone up, but even he couldn't help but blame himself.

"Bunny is right. We must not blame selves. We should go after Pitch, da?"

Sandy was the only one who kept silent. He was trying to think of a way that they could get Jack back. It was obvious that they would have to change Jack's memories back, or at least break the hold that Pitch had on him. But how? How was the nightmare sand able to enter Jack without any injury present on him? If he could figure that out, then he would be able to draw out the nightmare sand and change it back to his dream sand. He was certain that it would reset Jack's memories and prevent them from being changed.

What worried Sandy the most was if the nightmare sand was doing anything else.

If there were no injuries present on Jack, then maybe his staff? For all they knew, the staff was Jack's direct link to his powers. A conduit to channel his abilities and prevent them from going out of control, but could it be something more? If so, how did Pitch corrupt it, and if he did, when? Sandy had too many questions, each question leading further and further away from saving Jack. Perhaps Manny....

Sandy's thoughts were interrupted by a declaration from Bunny, "Right. With Pitch back, we should be able to break into his layer. However, it will be heavily guarded. Especially with him having Jack. He won't let us take him back without a fight.

Sandy waved his hands, trying to get everyone's attention. He didn't think it was a good idea to just go down there without a plan. They needed to think this through. Pitch has the upper hand. He'll be expecting them. They needed to talk to Manny.

Possession of Jack FrostWhere stories live. Discover now