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-Inspiration comes from this picture: http://loonytwin.deviantart.com/art/join-me-jack-352135568 by loonytwin (I WAS GIVEN PERMISSION).

-Disclaimer: No matter how much I wish it, I do not own Rise of the Guardians/Guardians of Childhood characters or story. All rights belong to the proper owners.

~Jack/Pitch POV~

Considering that the Guardians attacked them only a few nights ago, it was a pretty quiet morning. Pitch woke up with Jack wrapped around his body. Lately, that's how he always wakes up. Not that he is complaining. This is all that he ever wanted. He finally had the one thing that could actually make him happy. And that was being with Jack.

Pitch looked down at the white-haired boy still asleep with a smile on his face. He and Jack were getting along rather nicely, plus Jack was rapidly gaining his nightmare abilities and even better seemed to enjoy being around Pitch.

Unfortunately, they still had to worry about the Guardians. He scowled after last night the guardians figured out what was happening to Jack and how to fix it. No doubt Sandy was trying everything he could to reverse it. Only a little time was left, and Jack would be permantely converted, not a trace of the Jack they once knew. Once the nightmare sand completely took over Jack's center, it would be irreversible.

He did feel bad about what he was doing to the winter sprite, all he wanted was for Jack to join him, but every time, he would decline. So, Pitch took matters into his own hands. He possessed Jack, changing his core memories and infusing him with the nightmare sand. The nightmare sand was changing Jack's core. Making him a better - nightmare - version of himself. He made sure it wouldn't affect Jack mentally, however. He wanted Jack for who he was, not a corrupted version of himself. He would still love those pesky children, would still be a mischievous winter spirit, but he would have the power of the nightmare sand and have the feeling of safeness when he was around Pitch. It was worth it in the end.

Jack even hated the guardians. That was a plus in his book.

For the first time that Pitch could remember, he was truly happy.

Pitch was faced with a problem, though. He wanted more out of Jack. He knew Jack was just a child - even though he was an immortal one - and that Jack may not want Pitch in that way. However, Pitch couldn't resist Jack. The boy was very beautiful, talkative, but a rare snowflake. Truthfully, this is what he wanted Jack for in the beginning. He was lonely, no one cared for him, no one understood him, no one knowing what it was like to be ignored, to long for...more. No one but Jack.

Pitch signed. Perhaps Jack would be nothing more than a friend, a partner in crime. Pitch put on a sad smile. He was okay with that. He already had more than he longed for. He had someone who wanted to be by his side. He would never let the guardians or anyone take that away from him.


After a few minutes, Pitch looked down to see Jack awake and staring up at him with a smile on his face.

"Good morning," Jack said, pulling away from Pitch if only a little. He noticed the conflicted look on Pitch's face, "Are you okay?" He reached forward and cupped his hand on Pitch's cheek.

Pitch froze for a second, his thoughts racing, thinking about his...desires, "Yes. Of course I'm okay." He smiled down at the winter sprite.

"No. You are bothered by something, please tell me. What's wrong?" Jack got out of bed and stared down at Pitch.

Pitch signed, and the boy was truly stubborn. Why couldn't he say no to Jack? Especially when he doesn't want the boy to know what he is really feeling.

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