Changed Memories

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-This is a Blackice fic, there will be fluff.

-Inspiration comes from this picture: by loonytwin

-Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters!! All rights go to the proper owners.

Guardians POV

Jack was still laying passed out in North's arms. All they could do was stare at him and think about his words. No one was able to move due to the shock his words had on them.

Tooth was the first to break the silence, "Di-Did he just ask Pitch not to leave him?" She couldn't believe the words that came out of Jack's mouth, especially now that she repeated them herself.

"Now is not time. Ve must take Jack to North Pole. Fix boy up." North didn't want to think about what those words could mean. Jack was Pitch's enemy, as much as Pitch was theirs. He wouldn't call out to him. "Sandy, can you get Bunny? Bring him to pole." Sandy nodded his head and headed for the warren but not before he snuck one last look at Jack.

North watched Sandy head off to Bunny's warren but then looked back at Tooth. "Come," he stood up with Jack draped in his arms princess style, "We must get Jack to Pole. Figure out what is happening."

"North... What do you think Pitch did to Jack?" Tooth looked up at North with tears streaming down her face. She didn't seem to be able to make them stop since Sandy had come and told her about Jack. She couldn't bear to see the boy she had adopted as her son in pain.

North opened up a portal and stepped through without a response to Tooth. He didn't have one. He didn't know what was going on any more than she did. Once Sandy and Bunny returned to the Pole, they would try to figure out everything and come up with a plan. Jack came first. They disappeared through the portal, not noticing a shadow picking up a forgotten staff.

Bunny's POV

Bunny was in his Warren, unaware of the events taking place at Jack's lake. He was crouching in the grass, enjoying the warm, spring breeze painting eggs. Sure, it was a week till Christmas, but that didn't mean that he shouldn't be preparing for Easter. Painting eggs took just as long as creating new toys for kids. He had a smile on his face. He liked to think about how everything was at peace in the Warren now that Jack has joined them. Sure, frostbite would still pull pranks and get on his nerves, but Jack new to never severely mess up the Warren. He liked to think that Jack had come to like it here as well.

He couldn't help but think about Jack and how he used to treat him. He frowned as he thought about how he treated Jack as nothing but an annoying prankster who didn't care about children or the world. He felt so stupid and guilty. He was wrong about Jack in so many ways, Jack was probably the only Guardian among them that had such a strong connection to the children. Especially now that they could see him. He used every excuse he could use to play with them.

Bunny would often invite Jack to paint some of the eggs. At first, he had imagined that he would just paint them all blue and get bored. However, what he did do surprised him. Jack painted the eggs with such elaborate and vibrant colors and designs. The kid really did have an act for art. Although he supposed it was because of the frost designs Jack was used to leaving behind.

He stopped and sighed, he realized he didn't really like the quiet. He was so used to being around his little brother. What? Did he really see Jack as a little brother? Just as he thought that he had an answer. Yes, he did. Jack was his little brother, and he was damned if he ever let the boy be alone again.

He was about to go see if Jack would join him in painting the eggs when Sandy appeared right in front of his face and made him jump. He must have been daydreaming not to have noticed him.

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