The Fight

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-Last time I am saying this: This is a blackice fic, there will be fluff.

-Inspiration comes from this picture: by loonytwin (I WAS GIVEN PRERMISSION)

-Disclaimer: I DO NOT nor will I ever own any of the Rise of the Guardians/Guardians of Childhood characters. All rights go to the proper owners.

Jack/Pitch POV

Jack and Pitch were staring at each other when they heard a loud crash coming from the Globe room. They continued to stare until they processed what happened and sprung out of bed.

"What the heck was that?" Jack shouted as he was watching shadows grow out of Pitch due to anger.

"Those blasted Guardians!" Pitch said, unable to hold back his scowl. How idiotic could they be to attack his layer at night? Nighttime was his element. They must be more desperate than he thought.

"The Guardians..." Jack said with a far-off look. He knew that the Guardians were Pitch's enemies. However, there was always a pain in the back of his head that he couldn't get rid of whenever he thought about them. Maybe it was anger? No. More like... longing?

Before he could understand what that longing feeling was, Pitch interrupted his thoughts. "Jack?" Pitch thought he saw pain flash on the boy's face. Perhaps he was remembering something? He'd have to do something about that later if that was the case. He knew that memories such dealing with family and friends were much harder to get rid of. Pitch frowned at that thought. Pitch was the only family that Jack needed. He wouldn't lose the boy. He looked at Jack in the eyes. "Are you okay?"

At the sound of Pitch's voice, all thoughts on the Guardians went away, replaced with thoughts of keeping his home safe. "Yeah... yeah i'm fine."

"Jack, if you don't want to fight them, I can handle them by myself."

Jack jumped, surprised Pitch wouldn't make him fight however he would. He wanted to, he would! "No. No. I want to fight. I will make sure they regret invading our home."

Pitch smiled, a true genuine smile, Jack thought of this place as his home. "Okay, snowflake. Here's the plan..."

Jack was flying through the underground lair, making his way towards the globe room to the Guardians. Pitch's plan was simple enough, Jack would go and try to convince them to leave, if that didn't work, then Pitch would come out of the shadows where he would be watching and they would fight them until they were forced to retreat. Jack didn't know why Pitch thought the Guardians would listen to him, be he would do what he was told.

As Jack turned the corner to the globe room, he heard multiple voices conversing within themselves.

"We have to convince him that Pitch is lying to him!" He heard an Australian voice shout out. What did he mean? Pitch never lies to him, about anything.

"Yeah, but will he listen? Sweet tooth doesn't think he is under a spell..." A quiet voice whispered. He was surprised he was able to understand her.

It was quiet for a few moments before a loud, booming voice shouted out. Not trying to hide that they are here? Jack thought to himself. "Sandy is right. We just need to stall him in time for Sandy to try to take his staff." Jack grew angry. They were going to try to take his staff? He heard enough and came out of his hiding spot.

"Guardians! You need to leave. Now!" He scowled and shouted out in anger. His sudden voice made them all jump and turn around.

"Jack!" They all shouted at once. Not noticing a ball of ice and nightmare sand forming at the tip of Jack's staff.

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