I Don't Want To Return

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-Inspiration comes from this picture: http://loonytwin.deviantart.com/art/join-me-jack-352135568 by loonytwin (I WAS GIVEN PERMISSION)

-Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Rise of the Guardians/Guardians of Childhood characters nor will I ever.

Guardians POV

The entire ride back to the pole was silent. Every Guardian, except for North, who was driving the sleigh, was crowded around Jack. This is the first time in weeks that any of the Guardians have gotten alone time with him, let alone near him, even if he was sleeping. Looking at Jack now, they were all heartbroken. They were the ones who allowed Pitch to take him. They were the ones who could not stop Pitch from changing him. However, worst of all, they were the ones who left him alone enough for so long.

That is the one thing the Guardians will always regret. They failed not only one of their own but a child. A child in need.

North was the first one to break the silence with a silent call, "Santoff Claussen." All the Guardians heard a shatter and the sound of a vortex opening, but no one could look away from Jack. All fearing that if they did, he would disappear.

The Guardians touched down on the runway that led into the workshop, North walked over to the other four and picked up Jack in his arms bridal style, "Come. We get him to infirmary." North led the others to the infirmary as the yetis were beginning to prepare it and set Jack down on the empty bed. The minute North pulled the sheet up to Jack; he sighed and snuggled into the sheets.

The Guardians all smiled until Jack called out in his sleep, "Pitchhh..."

All the Guardians stood frozen for what seemed like forever until they were all shaking in an uncontrollable rage and sadness.

"That dirty ratbag is going to pay for what he has done!" Bunny shouted. Once he saw Jack stir, he quieted down, "He won't get away with this."

"Pitch will get what is coming to him, but for now, we much focus on Jack." North was just as angry as Bunny, but Jack was more important right now. They needed to make sure he was safe and back to normal. "Once Jack is back to normal, we deal with Pitch."

The Guardians left Jack in the room to rest with a few of the yetis standing guard to prevent anyone from coming in - or out - of the room, while they went to speak with MIM once more. They knew that the source of the 'infection' was at the staff, but they must follow each step carefully to avoid any dangers to Jack's life.

Once they reached the globe room, MIM instantly called out to them, appearing to them the same way he did not too long ago. "Manny," North greeted. "We have succeeded in getting Jack back. Boy is asleep. How do we change boy to be normal?"

Manny looked up at all the Guardians, staying silent for a few moments. He knew that what he was about to tell them would be hard for them to hear. After all, they were going to have to hurt Jack. "Guardians, good job on getting Jack back. However, use precaution; Pitch will not stand by and wait. I have no doubt that he will come for Jack once again." North nodded and left in order to summon more of his yetis to guard every entrance to the workshop that they could find and to make sure the alarms were activated. After several minutes, Manny began again upon Norths return, "In regards to how to help Jack...I'm afraid you are not going to like it. You must break Jack's staff."

All the Guardians gasped while Sandy began frantically signing, a picture of a snowflake, and then a boy holding his chest.

Bunny spoke up, "Won't that hurt frostbite?"

"Yes, he will be put through excruciating pain, which is why you must be with him when it occurs. You must show that you care for him and that you will always be there for him. Once the staff is broken," He looked over at Sandy, "You must mend it back together with your dream-sand, which is the only thing that can counteract the nightmare sand. Jack will return to normal shortly after; all of his memories will be reset. However," Manny looked at all the Guardians with a look in his eyes that the Guardians were afraid to see on their leader...despair, defeat, and hopelessness. "Be warned, Guardians. Pitch and Jack have developed a relationship of sorts, and he may not wish to return."

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