Epilogue: Cold and Dark

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-Guess whose back!? Hope you enjoy this epilogue since everyone wanted Jamie and Jack to meet. I haven't touched much on this story so my writing may not be that great as the other chapters but I still hope you enjoy the end of this story.

-Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Rise of the Guardian/Guardian of Childhood characters. Inspiration comes from art/join-me-jack-352135568 by loonytwin

Jamie POV/General POV

It's been two years since he last saw Jack Frost. Jamie often noticed his thoughts drift towards the winter sprite. Growing up, he and Jack were always together, and even now, he still believed in him. All the other kids from the guardian fight no longer believed in any of the guardians.

Jamie still believed and always would. How could you forget about such an important battle? Especially since he gained so many invaluable memories. Unfortunately, his friendships with the others wavered over the years with him always bringing up the Guardians.

They thought he needed help. Jamie sighed.

He really did miss Jack. When Jamie came home from college, he would always be sure to meet up with Jack. It would be just like old times, they would spend hours at the lake and skate, or talk about how Jamie's school is going, Jack was like the big - little - brother he never had.

Jamie decided that he would try to see if Jack was by his lake. He never really understood why Jack suddenly disappeared, but hopefully, he could find him.

Just then, Jamie spotted a mini tooth fairy zoom by. He called out to her, hoping to get her attention, "Wait! Baby Tooth!" The mini tooth fairy stopped and turned towards Jamie. She stopped for a minute before she quickly flew over to him and started squeaking while rubbing against his cheek. "I'm glad you remember me, baby tooth," Jamie smiled. "Have you seen Jack?" Baby Tooth dropped her head and squeaked sadly. Just then. Tooth came zooming down, looking panicked.

"There you are, baby tooth! What were you?" Tooth stopped once she noticed a familiar boy sitting in the snow. "Jamie? Is that you? My look how big you've gotten! How old are you now? 20? 21? Are you still brushing your teeth? And remember..." Tooth began rambling but was cut off by Jamie, "... Don't forget to floss. I know Tooth." Jamie smiled at Tooth and gave her a hug.

Tooth spoke up after returning the hug, "Why don't I call the other Guardians down, and we can all get re-acquainted? It's not every day an adult still believes, especially one we all love!"

Jamie nodded excitedly! Maybe that means Jack will be with them.

Tooth turned to Baby Tooth and told her to round up the other Guardians and to meet at Burgess Lake. Baby Tooth nodded and took off, rounding up all the other Guardians as Tooth and Jamie finished walking towards the lake. After about thirty minutes, everyone was gathered at Jack's lake. 'But?' Jamie thought, 'Where was Jack?'

"Jamie!" North bellowed and engulfed Jamie in a hug. "How is favorite believer?" Jamie laughed and returned the hug.

Bunny rolled his eyes but smiled and greeted, "Can't believe this ankle-bitter still believes."

Sandy was standing beside Tooth, nodding his head and throwing up an array of symbols, too fast for anyone to try to decipher.

"Wow." Jamie said, "Twelve years, and it's still unbelievable to be able to see you guys." Jamie looked around at the other Guardians. They seemed...depressed. Maybe they were just over worked, it was right around Christmas, after all. "Where's Jack?"

All the Guardians froze and looked over at Jamie, neither of them knowing what to say. No one wanted to tell Jack's favorite believer that he wasn't a Guardian anymore.

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