We Will Always Be Together

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-Inspiration comes from this picture: art/join-me-jack-352135568 by loonytwin (I WAS GIVEN PERMISSION)


-Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of the Rise of the Guardian/Guardians of Childhood characters nor will I ever.

General POV

Before Jack could retaliate, the Guardians went through the door and locked it behind them. Making sure Jack could not leave.

As the Guardians left, only Bunny was able to hear Jack's silent whisper, "But I don't want to return..."

Bunny stopped at Jack's words as his ears flattened against his head but soon straightened out again. This was Pitch talking, not Jack. As soon as they dealt with Pitch, Jack would return to normal. Bunny sped up to catch up with the other guardians, all of them silent in concentration and determination. It was time that they put a stop to Pitch once and for all.

As soon as they reached the globe room, everything was in complete chaos. Nightmares were running and stomping anything their hooves touched.

The elves were trying to run away as the yetis held off the nightmares.

Each of the Guardians took a stance and began attacking. North was the first to strike as he shielded Phil from the nightmares. He pulled out his shashka's and started striking with fierce determination. It has been a long time since the Guardians have seen such anger coming from North. It was better not to get too close to him while he was like this.

Sandy looked over at Tooth and she nodded as the two took to the air, trying desperately to fight off all the nightmares that were entering the room through the glass dome of the workshop that was now shattered into a million pieces. If it wasn't for the fight going on around them, they would almost appear as if they were in a waltz together. They would gracefully strike and spin around the nightmares as they aided each other in a ballad of rainbow and gold.

Bunny was stuck on the ground with North. He thought it best not to get too near North, so he turned and fought the nightmares that were coming on him from the rear. However, he made sure to stay just close enough to assist North if he needed it.

As the Guardians defeated one Nightmare after the other, the Nightmares continued to appear seemingly endless. The Guardians began to weaken and slowly formed a tight circle as a defense towards the oncoming darkness. However, just when they were about to strike back, a cold and malicious laughter rang throughout the workshop, "I would say it's good to see you again, Guardians." The voice paused, "But it's not."

Pitch materialized a few feet in front of North, "I believe that you took something from me, and I would like it back."

Each of the Guardians snarled at Pitch and tried to advance, but with them being surrounded, they were out of luck.

North's loud voice boomed throughout the chaos, "Jack does not belong to you! He is a Guardian. He belongs with us, his family."

Pitch cackled as he drew a few steps closer to North, "He doesn't belong as a Guardian! Not anymore, even the Man in the Moon has realized it. Why do you think he hasn't interfered? Jack is too far gone to you. A small part of him will always be drawn to the darkness. Drawn to me. Besides..."

Pitch looked over all the Guardians as he spoke a few short words that would shake them to their center, "I love him, and you will not take away my happiness, not ever again."

North anger surfaced once again as his eyes glossed over with hate and sprang forward.

North was done listening to Pitch. He took away his son, and he would pay.

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