A Plan is Formed

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-Inspiration comes from this picture: http://loonytwin.deviantart.com/art/join-me-jack-352135568 by loonytwin

-Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Rise of the Guardians/Guardians of Childhood characters nor will I ever.

Guardians POV

The Guardians were at a complete loss of figuring out what to do. Their last attempt at getting Jack failed. They could not believe what they had seen. How could Pitch have gotten such a deep connection with Jack so soon? His nightmare sand was changing him too fast if they did not save Jack soon. It would be too late!

The Guardians were sitting around the globe room, all of them trying to come up with a plan.

"What if we snick up on him when he is out spreading snow?" Tooth suggested, "Thankfully, Jack's love of 'fun time and snowballs' didn't change." Tooth was relieved when they learned that Jack was still playing with the kids and spreading snow. Although, that was when this first started. Jack was still the same even now just...darker. Tainted by a lunatic.

Sandy thought about that idea as well. How could they get Jack to let his guard down, though? Ever since joining Pitch, he has put up a barrier against them. He hated them. Sandy frowned. Why did he hate them? Sure, Pitch's sand would have changed his core to fear and fun, but it should not have made him hate them... could it?

Sandy was the first - and only one - to notice Manny shining down on them. Of course! Manny would know the best way to get to Jack; he himself has been trying to contact the Man in Moon about it before the fight happened anyway. Sandy looked up at the other guardians arguing and began signing frantically.

Of course, no one noticed, typical. Sandy signed and looked around. He saw an elf trying to get to the plate of cookies on the table. He smirked and picked up the elf. He felt a sense of de ja vu as he frantically shook the elf to get the Guardians' attention.

They looked up at him as he pointed to the moon high in the sky. North laughed, "Of course! Man in Moon, Sandy, why didn't you say anything?" Sandy just sighed...he was used to this.

North spoke up, "Manny. What is news on Jack? How do we save him from Pitch?"

A bright light filled the room; the Guardians looked away before the light began to dim. In its place was a short man, wearing golden slacks with a white shirt and a gold vest over it. A red bow-tie snuggled nicely against his neck, a single hair sticking high up on his bald head.

"Guardians," the man spoke, "Pleasure to see you all after so long."

The Guardians stared at him in wonder and amazement. They have not spoken to the Man in the Moon in over 500 years, right before the fall of the dark ages when they were chosen. For him to appear now... "MANNY! It is wonderful to see you, old friend!" North shouted out.

Manny smiled, "It is great to see you all again after so long, but I'm afraid that this is no social gathering. We must talk about Jack." Manny smile faded from his face, replaced with a look of worry.

"Manny, Jack's core has been changed by Pitch. He is trying to make him just like him. We have figured out that the source of the change originated at his staff, but we could not get close enough to him to help. Please, you have to help us!" Tooth was in a state of panic. If Manny came personally, then that meant this was much more serious than they originally thought.

"I know, Toothiana. I overheard your plan of getting to him, and I agree. It could work, however we must work together. I can create a moonbeam so bright that no nightmares will be able to get to him. However, you only have a two-minute window before my power will drain out."

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