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- This is a blackice fic with fluff.

- Inspiration comes from this picture: by loonytwin

-Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters!! All rights go to the proper owners.

Pitch POV

Pitch weaved and glided his way through the shadows, leading him to his destination. Jack was having a nightmare. He could feel it. Pitch grinned, and that nightmare would take him straight to the boy. His fear was fantastic! Immortal children truly did provide the best belief and fear! Sadly, until he got close to the boy, he wouldn't be able to tell what the nightmare was about. He knew that it was raw fear, though he hadn't felt fear like this since the dark ages. And it was delicious. That's even more reason he wanted to take the boy. Sure, he wanted a companion, but that didn't mean he couldn't act on the fears and feed off the boy.

Fortunately for Pitch, the moon was hidden by the clouds. It's almost as if fate was telling him to go ahead and take the boy. It was too easy.

Pitch found the tree that Jack was resting under and creeped closer until he was - and all of his shadows blended in with him - directly hovering above the boy. Being this close to the boy, he could identify his fear; he was afraid of being alone - of being abandoned. Still? He was constantly surrounded by those good for nothing guardians, and he still felt like he was alone? How strange. Although he could imagine that 300 years of being alone and neglected would forever have a lingering effect on someone. It was good, though. He could use this against the boy should he decide not to take him up on his offer again. In all honesty, he didn't want to trick Jack. He wanted Jack to join him of his own free will.

The fear made him feel so full inside. He couldn't wait any longer.

"Jack..." he places his fingers on jacks pale cheek."You will belong to me. I will have you by my side." He placed a hand on each side of Jacks face and pressed his lips to Jacks. Just as Jack woke up.

Jack's POV

Jack was walking around the workshop. Everything was still and lifeless. "North!?" He called out, hoping to find that the big man was playing a trick on him. "North? Where are you?" He wasn't responding. He heads out to North's office and finds him and the other guardians sitting with their backs towards him. "Guys? What's going on...?

"We should never have trusted you!" Bunny jumps up and turns around only to tower over him. He looks over to Tooth and the others, and he is surprised by what he sees. Bunny's anger he can handle, though they were finally becoming close, he always had a grudge against Jack, but the look the other guardians were giving him where of hate and disgust. "You're not wanted here."

"What..." he stuttered. For once in his life, he was at a loss for words. All he could do was stare.

Tooth stepped forward and shoved him against the door. "Leave. You're nothing but a menace." Jack felt tears come to his eyes. Why were they saying this to him? They were all doing so well. They were a family.

He looks over at North, "North...please? Tell me what's wrong." North looked over at him and then at sandy. He tried to ignore the look of disgust that was upon their faces. "You are no guardian, Jack. Leave. You cause nothing but trouble." He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He looked at them one last time before flying off. He flew away as fast as he could. Creating a snowstorm in the process. He was alone now. He had no one. He gave everything to the guardians, and they just threw him away. He dropped from the sky in Antarctica and landed by the huge ice sculpture that he and Pitch made a few years back. He curled up in a ball and cried himself to sleep.

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