Black Fog

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-This is a Blackice fic, there will be fluff and maybe SLIGHT smut later on in the series.

-Inspiration comes from this picture: by loonytwin

-Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters!! All rights go to the proper owners.

North's POV

North was in his office, busy as always, with it being only a week until Christmas. Of course, if anyone were to ask him, every day is spent in preparation for Christmas. After all, Christmas was the most important holiday in his eyes. He was working on building some ice sculptures, which was his favorite thing to do, especially now that he had Jack living with him. This would always be their favorite thing to do together. His mind soon drifted to the young guardian-no his son. He was never able to have a son of his own, Jack helped fill that void. He couldn't be happier now that Jack had entered their lives. He knew the other three guardians felt the same. Jack made them a family. They were filled with so much regret and sorrow after realizing that they left a child alone for 300 years. For being guardians of children, they never even paid attention to the one that needed it the most. An immortal child all alone.

Now that he thought about it, would immortal children hold belief? Ten years ago, when Pitch came back into power, they thought they were done for. And they would have been if it wasn't for Jamie. However, the belief of one mortal child should not have made them that much more powerful. Was Jack the key? He would have to talk to the other guardians about what they thought about it.

His thoughts were interrupted when Tooth busted through the doorway. "Tooth? What is problem?"

She was panting. Whatever it was, she wanted to say must have been very important, "It's Jack!"

"What!?" North slams his hands down on his desk and jumps up out of his chair, destroying the ice sculpture he was just previously working on. "What is wrong with boy?"

"Sandy was flying over Burgess delivering dreams when he spotted Jack by his lake. He thought he was asleep at first until he approached him. He tried to wake Jack up by shaking him, but he wouldn't wake up. He spotted me while I was out in the field collecting teeth. I raced over here in order to get you. We have to go get Jack! Neither of us can carry him! Oh, sweet tooth! What if he is harmed? What happened? Would he be -"

"Tooth!" He yelled, silencing her rambling. "We will figure this out, da? Too the sleigh." North and Tooth raced to the sleigh and hopped inside. North soon pulled out a snow globe. He whispered into it, "Burgess." The portal opened up, and soon they were teleported to Burgess. Soon, they spotted Sandy and landed the sleigh, but something didn't feel right. North and Tooth approached Sandy and saw that Jack was awake.

Sandy's POV

It was a beautiful night in Burgess. Ever since they defeated Pitch ten years ago, the world was at peace. Kids were happy and dreaming without any fear of the Boogeyman hiding under their beds. He was also in a delightful mood. He couldn't help but think about Jack, the youngest guardian that held a special place in his heart. Ever since the boy had joined their ranks, the guardians were happier. They had met more often, often times just to make sure everyone is doing okay and just to hang out. He has begun to look at Jack like a younger brother. He would do anything to protect the boy and make sure that he was never lonely again. He and the other three guardians had a lot to atone for, especially for neglecting a child. Especially one as bright and happy as Jack.

His thoughts led him to travel over by the lake that Jack had called home for some many years. That just made him feel even guiltier. As he flew by, he spotted Jack. He wasn't expecting to run into the boy here as he now lived permanently at the North Pole. He dropped down and decided to talk to him. He saw Jack was asleep, and a smile came upon his face. He lifted his hands as Dream Sand drifted over to Jack. However, it didn't stay. It was almost as if something was preventing it from taking shape. Weird. He approached Jack and noticed his face was scrunched up in pain, and he was... shivering?

Possession of Jack FrostWhere stories live. Discover now