Gone (Harry Styles fanfic) One Direction

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        My vision was blurry when I opened my eyes. The blinding light that was seeming in through the blinds was enough to wake me up. I rubbed my eyes as my eye sight seemed to restore and I looked around the room that I am in. It looks familiar, yet, I'm curious as to what I'm doing in the guest room of my home. I grab my phone which has less than 20% battery left since I didn't charge it last night. I clicked the home button and the screen lit up allowing me to check the time. 10:34 it read. "Ugh," I groaned loudly and plopped back onto the white sheets.

        The bedroom was a little chilly and I looked up to see the explanation to that problem. The window was wide open. I don't understand why the window was open since we had a perfectly good air conditioner but I forced the thoughts to the back of my head as I headed to close the window. I pulled the navy blue curtains out of the way and saw the scenery of my front yard. It was beautiful, the way the sun shone onto the pavement and made the flowers running along side my driveway glow. I simply smiled to myself, inhaled the summer breeze, and pushed the window closed. I turned back towards the vanity and admired my appearance in the glass mirror. Although it was morning, my curls had stayed intact from the night before, my makeup hadn't smeared, however I didn't put much on as I was looking for the more natural look. I stared down at my dress that I had worn to my own birthday party. 'I'm officially 18.' I thought to myself making me smile. The dress was plain white and had thin straps to hold it up on my shoulders. Just above my breasts, on my chest area, is wear the dress started to flow down. It tightened a little as it got to my waist but then flowed again until is reached an inch above my knee. It was covered in lace patterns and it was by far the prettiest thing I own. I twirled around a little making myself giggle.

I grabbed my white iPhone and headed downstairs in the kitchen. I plugged in my phone to the charger that was in the kitchen. I always keep one in here for situations like this where I forgot to charge it. I made a couple pieces of toast and began to devour them. Once they were finished, I took my phone and charger, and plopped on the couch, plugging the charger into the nearest outlet. I turned on the TV with the remote that was sitting next to me on the big, blue, sectional couch. The first thing that came up was 'Dora the Explorer' and of course, I quickly changed it. Next was an interview with some handsome men. They were on Ellen and I had no clue who they were but continued to watch anyway because I loved Ellen, she is hilarious. I turned up the volume and began to listen to what funny jokes rolled in. The men on the screen were British and once I actually got a good look, they weren't handsome at all. Evidently they were in some band; the Wanted. They looked ugly, stuck up, and so much more.

My thoughts were cut off by a sound upstairs. I grabbed my phone which was now fully charged after being on the charger an hour, and slowly headed up the stairwell. I grabbed the nearest thing that would be considered a weapon, which happened to be a lamp. I unplugged it, wrapped the chord around its body, and slowly made my way towards my room. I could hear noises of somebody trying the move around in there and I was shaking. Once the mysterious person stepped into view I saw that it was a person dressed in all black. The had a white, skin tight mask over their head and once they saw me, they began to run towards me. My first reaction was to throw the lamp and that's exactly what I did. I didn't have time to see where the lamp had landed because I ran down the stairs. My fingers dialed a three digit number as I continued running out my door.

"911 what is your emergency?" The lady on the line quickly said once she picked up. I first stated my address and said there was an attacker in my home and that I'm currently running. She told me authorities will be there as soon as possible but that didn't stop me from running.

Once I was at least five houses down the street, I turned towards the house trying to catch my breath. I knew this house and I was slightly disappointed in myself that this was the house I had stopped at. I breathed In knowing this was my only choice and knocked on the front door. It quickly opened and I saw the face a dreaded to see. "Nicole?" Asked the voice that opened the door. I pushed passed my ex-boyfriend and made my way into his home. "What are you doing here?" He asked me, looking potentially worried.

"I'm so sorry I had to barge right into your house like that but I had no other choice," I told him. He then leaned down next to me, since I was sitting on the couch, and brought me up for a hug. He was so sweet but definitely not boyfriend worthy.

"Nicole, please tell me what happened," he asked me, still remaining in the warming hug. 

" There was someone in my house. I think they broke in and they tried to attack me. I didn't see a face, they had a mask but I threw a lamp in their direction. I'm so scared right now, Braydon!"

I started to shed some tears. His worried look came back, "Did you call the cops?" He asked me, now pacing back and forth.

"Of course I did! But that doesn't mean I'm safe. He might come looking In the nearby houses for me!" Braydon looked like he was in complete thought while pacing. He stopped all of a sudden and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the door. I held back on the door frame. "Where are you taking me Braydon?" I angrily questioned him.

"I'm taking you to safety of course! Just come on!" He grabbed my wrist pulling me in his direction. He finally let go but kept running. I stopped as soon as he let go which wasn't very far. It was only about halfway through his front yard towards the road. I looked down for just a second but when I looked back, Braydon was already on the other side of the road waving his hands for me to go in his direction. I hesitated before jogging my way up the yard. His voice got louder as I neared him. He was screaming "hurry up!" repetitively. As soon as I neared the edge of the road, his chants changed. "Stop! Nicole stop!" But I didn't listen. I jogged out on the middle of the road, saw a blinding light, and then everything went black.


Author's Note:

hiiii! hope you like this story. if you read the description, you will learn it's not that realistic but that's just my sense of imagination. but, if a vampire fanfic can get a lot of reads, so can this!

QOTD: what is your favourite show ? 

you will learn mine shortly ;) okay, bye!!

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