Chapter 1.

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I remember feeling the impact of a car hitting me, but I don't remember anything after that. I was expecting to be in a hospital but instead I was in what looked like a hotel. I walked towards a turn in the hallway until I overheard talking coming from that direction. I stopped at the corner, so I wouldn't be seen, and did what I knew was wrong; I eavesdropped.

"Harry, please, I don't want to hear about your sexual activities that girl!" The first voice sounded annoyed.

"But it was sexy and fun! Really Louis! You should have seen what she did with-"

"I don't want to know! Now please leave my suite!" The first voice, who based on their conversation, was Louis. The slamming of the door startled me and was followed by a sigh. I heard footsteps coming my way so I tried to flee the area but I must have tripped over air because the last thing I remember was falling and hearing a loud gasp.

I woke up in a bed. I figured it was my own until a recap of recent events reminded me it wasn't my bed. I instantly screamed and a brown haired guy came towards me. He held a hand over my mouth which terrified me furthermore.

"Shhhh," he tried to calm me but it wasn't helping considering I was in a stranger’s room with his hand covering my mouth. I was whimpering almost positive he was going to rape me.

"Please don't hurt me," I cried as a tear dared to fall.

"I'm not going to hurt you, love," he reassured me in a British accent.

"Where am I?" I asked as he removed his hand from my mouth. I looked down and noticed I was still in my white party dress.

"Some city in Ohio. Cleveland? Cincinnati? Sicily?"

I giggled at him which gained me a confused face in return. "Sicily is in Italy. And it starts with an 'S' “I explained to him. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Oh, I knew that."

"What's your name, love?" He continued.

"Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing?" I questioned.

He only chuckled before saying, "I’m Harry. Harry Styles."

"I'm Nicole. Nicole Taylor," I said mimicking him. He laughed at me but it was then that I started to fear. I was miles away from home in a hotel room with a strange boy. Harry must have sensed my fear because he came closer.

"What's wrong?" He seemed genuinely concerned.

"Um," I stopped rethinking on whether I should tell him the real reason I was scared, "just curious how I got here." Technically, it wasn't a lie.

"You don't know? I figured you were a guest here," he said as he ran a hand through his brown curls.

"What's the date?"

"June 3rd."  It’s a day after my birthday. So it was the same day as the intruder broke in. So how did I get here? Harry once again noticed my confused/scared look. "Seriously, what's wrong? Wait!" He checked his iPhone for a minute, "I'm going to be late! Um... Long story short ImInABoyBandCalledOneDirectionAndWeHaveThisReallyImportantInterviewInAFewMinutesSoWouldYouLikeToCome?" He said it so fast that I'm sure he didn't think I would hear, but I did, clear as day.

"Sure, that would be nice." I smiled. He returned the smile as we walked through his room door. We stayed in a comfortable silence as we rode in the elevator. It was only until now I realised that we were on the top floor. We made our way down to the lobby and went to the front desk.

"Ah, Mr. Styles," said the person at the desk in a very posh voice, "you may use the back door." Harry thanked the man and led me throughout the hotel to the back door. We went through the door and he led me to a car. Now, I'm not that good with cars but I know this one was expensive just by the look of it. My jaw was dropped and Harry just smirked at me as he opened the passenger door to his black vehicle. I took this as a hint to go inside and he shut the door behind me. He went around the car and got into his side and started the car. Now we made our way to his interview.


A/N: sorry for the short chapters! I'm not good at this! 


Also, I know I don't have a lot of readers. At this point I don't have any but could someone please make me a cover?

QOTD: have you ever been to a concert?

i went to an R5 concert and it was literally perfection. i love them so much :) 

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