Chapter 28.

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Once I was all satisfied with my girl needs, I went to the dining room where the rest of the boys were. The boys and some of the crew were all in there for breakfast.

"Hey!" Liam said. He was the first one to notice my presence. 

"Hi," I waved a small wave. I noticed Harry among the crowd and sat next to him in the empty seat I can only assume he had reserved for me. 

"Are you ever going to brush your hair?" he asked me laughing. When we arrived I went straight to the bathroom and luckly all I needed was already in the hotel room.  

"Later. It's too much work right now," I shrugged my shoulder. The breakfast was a buffet and I grabbed as much food that I could carry on two plates. One plate had toast, scrambled eggs, sausage, and hash browns. The other plate had two pancakes and some butter and syrup spread on top. All the boys gasped when they saw how much food I had and I stuck my tongue out at them. Niall and Zayn started whispering to each other as I started eating but I ignored it.

Many different conversations and laughs later, I had finished every single bite of my food. Harry smiled at me as I accomplished the meal. Zayn handed Niall some money and I raised an eye brow at him. 

"Zayn bet me you wouldn't finish all you food," Niall laughed.

"Really guys? I am not some kind of game you can bet on guys!" I faced Harry. "You owe me 5 bucks," I grinned.

"What? Why?" Liam asked.

"I bet him that you guys would bet on me eating all that food," I smiled and closed my hand once Harry handed me the bill.

"Oh, that's-" Zayn was cut off by Louis.

" Awesome! I wish I would have thought of that one! I wish I would have thought of that! I bet someone that Niall will eat again today!" Louis screamed.

"Well, duh?" said Niall. "We are all going to eat again. That's kinda the point of the three meals a day thing."

"So who is up for the challenge?" Louis asked.

"I want my 5 bucks back," Harry said to me.

"What? Why this time?" Liam asked.

"She bet against me that Louis would try to create his own bet that was impossible to win," he grinned.

"You guys are unbelievable. When do you have time for this?" Asked a security guard who I believe was named Steve.

Before we could answer, Zayn interupted. "You guys need a ship name."

"A what?" I questioned.

"A ship name. When two poeple are together or you want them to be together, you create a ship name. Harry and I are Zarry," he explained.

"Oh, like Brangelina?"

"Exactly. Now what do you guys need to be called. Narry? No, that's Niall and Harry. Hicole? That sounds weird. Harcole? Nicry?"

"What about Staylor?" I asked.

"Why does that work?" Niall asked.

"Her last name is Taylor," Harry explained.

"Staylor. I like it," I smiled.

"Okay, Staylor, let's go do something! " said Louis.

"We should play hide and seek! This place is huge and will be so much fun!" I suggested.

Niall started bouncing up and down with excitement. "Let's do it guys! I love hide and seek!"

"Okay here are the ground rules," I started once all boys nodded their heads in agreement, "You cannot be in other peoples rooms. You may not leave the hotel and you cannot hide in rooms that are off limits."

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