Chapter 14.

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I turned the TV back on and laid back on the couch. Harry sat next to me and rested his head on my shoulder. He used to remote to play the next episode; "Purple Giraffe". I was kind of zoned out of the episode thinking of me and Harry. Did that kiss mean anything to him? Did it even mean anything to me? Sure I like Harry but do I like him like that? I thought I still had feelings for Braydon. And what's up with my picture fading? I was so caught up in my self thoughts I didn't even notice Harry poking my cheek. I turned to him with an eye brow raised.

"What's up, Nicks?" He asked using his self-made nickname.

"N-nothing," I stuttered and focused my attention towards the TV.

"Hey," Lily on the TV started, "I'm just sitting here. Wearing my ring. My beautiful ring. Kinda makes wearing other stuff seem wrong. Like... My shirt. Kinda don't wanna wear my shirt any more. Or my underwear. Oh, that's right, I'm not wearing any,"

Marshal stops working and looks at Lily, "no underwear?"

"Not even slightly," Lily says seductively. The camera pans out to show Ted is in the same room on the couch.

"Guys," he started, "boundaries!"

"Seriously, what's wrong?" Harry interrupted me from my laughs.

"It's nothing," I lied.

"Nicole, tell me," Harry pleaded.

"Look at these pictures," I took out my phone and showed Harry the pictures we have taken since we met.

"Do I look paler to you?"

"Now that you mention it, yeah you do," Harry replied.

"Exactly! You know how you said we have to get back to where I really am? Well I think we have to do it sooner because I think I might be disappearing," I whispered the last part.

"That means...." Harry shuddered at the thought, "you might die..." He trailed off.

"I know," I sobbed a little. I nuzzled my head into his shoulder for a change and let the tears fall out.

Harry rubbed my back soothingly. "Shhhh, calm down. We have to get you back. No matter what you think, your gonna make it, trust me"

"Thank you Harry, for everything," I said, hardly audible.

Just then, we heard loud voices from outside the bus and in came the rest of One Direction came inside. They stared at Harry and I admit, it must look awkward to look like your hugging nobody.

"What are you doing, Harry?" Louis asked carrying pizza boxes in his hand.

"Oh, you know, stuff, manly stuff..." Harry avoided eye contact with anyone.

"You decided to stay behind so you can wank?" Niall raised an eyebrow in concern.

I burst out laughing at this remark and Harry glared at me. "Shut up! It's not funny or true!" He defended himself.

"Harry look, we have reason to believe you have a girlfriend," Liam stated.

"I don't have a girlfriend," Harry looked at his phone and began typing on it. I heard my phone beep signifying I had a message. I checked it and it was a text message from Harry.

From Harry:


I blushed at my phone and looked back up to Harry who was smiling. So maybe he does like me.

"Hey guys can I have a schedule for the tour?" Harry asked his friends.

"Here," Zayn pulled up a picture of the schedule on his phone and showed Harry. I looked at the phone myself and found out that we weren't going to Jacksonville until 3 weeks!

"Guys, I have to go..." Harry got off the couch and started to grab a few of his things from the living room area.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Niall asked, all boys leaning in, waiting for an answer.

"I need to go somewhere important," Harry stated.

"You're leaving the tour!" Louis, Zayn, Niall, Liam, and I exclaimed at the same time.

"I have to!" Harry shot back.

"Where do you think you're going to go?" Liam asked.

Harry sighed, "Jacksonville, Florida,"


Authors Note:

I haven't uploaded in over a week. Maybe even two. I feel ashamed.

If I don't upload u guys need to bug me! Message me, Comment! I don't care just bug me so I don't procrastinate which I'm VERY good at!

Well It's 11:33 at night and I haven't eaten all day and I'm STARVING. I can't sleep so I'm going to start writing the next chapter.

Comment! Please...

Vote! Please...

But more vote..

Ok bye loves!



How long have you gone without eating? 

I have gone over 30 hours. idk, does sleeping count ?

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