Chapter 30.

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"Marry me?" 

I stared up at Harry in awe. This was one decision that was going to be quite easy to decide. I didn't have to think about it very much before nodding my head quickly. "Yes, yes Harry, yes!" 

"Really?" Harry's eyes widened. "I don't even have a ring. Oh, dammit Harry! This was a terrible idea. How can you propose to someone without a ring! I am a horrible person!"

"Hey," I removed his hand from his defeated face, "Don't beat yourself up about this. I don't care if you didn't have a ring because who said that was the proper was to propose to someone. It's crazy, alright. You're special and you proposed in a special way. I have no regrets."

"I love you," he grinned happily and tightened his grip around me as he pulled me on top of him for a hug. I laughed at our position. He pecked me on the lips before flipping me back on my back and running off towards the tree. He climbed up the branches and stood proud on a sturdy branch. 

I laughed, "Repunzel, Repunzel! Let down your hair!"

"Hey, I am not a princess!" he defended himself.

"You have the features for it! Harry, if you wore makeup, you could totally pull off as a girl. You could be Rizzo from Grease with that hair!"

"Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee," he began to sing, "Lousy with virginity!"

"Are you making fun of me, Harry?" I asked the same question Sandy did in the movie. 

Harry fake sighed in a high pitch voice and flipped his hair. He sat down on the branch and crossed his legs the best he could. "Some people can be so touchy!" He managed to maintain his hig voice. 

I laughed and climbed up the tree and sat down next to him. "I got chills, they're multiplying, and I'm losing control, cause the power they're supplying, it's electrifying!" Harry sang that verse to me. I blushed when I realised he was singing to me and not in general.

"Should we head back now?" I asked him. 

"Yeah, I guess," he hopped down from the branch causing me to gasp. Luckily, he landed on his feet and didn't get hurt. He turned around smiling and holding his arms out as if he were expecting me to jump too. 

"Yeah, no, I'm not jumping, Are you crazy!"

"Crazy for you, baby," he attempted to say in an American accent.

"Please don't ever say that again," I couldn't control the laughter that was coming out.

"Just jump! I will catch you!" His hands still in the air anticipating my fall.

I took a deep breath, "Harry I never broke a bone so if I do, this is all your fault!" I jumped down closing my eyes waiting to hit the ground. But the impact never came, I opened my eyes and saw Harry's green eyes looking down at me. 

"I told you, I will catch you. I will always be there to catch you."

We arrived back at the hotel which still had a couple fans in front. "Uh, oh," Harry gulped. "Do you have any social networks?" He asked me before we got out of the car. Security were forming a barrier from the car to the front doors. 

"Just twiitter, facebook, and instagram. Vine, too, I think," I honestly told him from memory. "I don't go on facebook though and," Harry cut me off.

"Delete it."

I furrowed my eyebrows but continued, "and Twitter is rare for me to go on. I don't even let people I know follow me on Instagram."

"Okay, so delete Facebook, secure passwords on other things, including your phone, hood up," I cut him off this time.

"I don't have a hood," I told him.

"Here," He pulled off his sweatshirt and handed it to me. "Put these sunglasses on too," he handed me a pair of RayBans. "Hold my hand, and don't let go. There's roughly a hundred more girls since we had arrived," I looked out the window noticing the increase of screaming fans, "Are you ready?"

I gulped, "I think."

"Okay, let's go," Harry opened the door and the screams got louder. I never let go of his hand and had my face shielded. We finally got inside the hotel and away from the chaos. "Do you know what time it is?"

"11:47," I read the time off my phone. 

"Great! Time for dinner!" he smiled.

"Room service, please? I'm tired and don't want to sit anywhere," I linked my arm with his and rested my head on his shoulder. I was so much shorter than him that my slouching position almost made my head reach his elbow, where our two arms were connected. He said yes to my plea and we went back up to his- our room. He hummed a familiar tune from Grease, Summer Nights.

We ordered food and I ordered Lasagna. "My Nonna makes the best lasagna," I told Harry. Both of us finished our meals and my eyes were drifitng closed during the meal as I struggled to listen to the TV. Harry noticed and put my empty plate on the coffee table in front of him and carried me bridal style to the bed that we would be sharing. Both jackets that I was wearing was removed and I was left in my mint green tank top. I felt the covers drape over me and then the tugging of my jeans. I felt my cheeks get red as the pants left my body being replaced by some pair of shorts.

Finally, a warm body joined me on the bed and I finally fell asleep.


Author's Note:

I want to make longer chapters but I'm a terrible writer so i Can't

well guys it's officially 2014. and MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 8 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 January is my favourite time of the year and I can't wait. I love my birthday so much and I actually like going to school on my birthday because i am an abnormal child. 

QOTD: How old are my readers? 

I will tell you my age once I get at least 10 comments telling me the answer. And don't worry, i'm not a crazy 40 year old. 

okay, that is all for now I think.

Vote please? 


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