Chapter 17.

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I opened my eyes when I heard Harry's voice. "Wakey, wakey, Nicole," his raspy voice said to me. 

"What time is it?" I stretched my arms up as far as they would go with the roof of the car in the way, 

"3:25," Harry answered.

"Okay," I was still a little shook up about him getting mad. I mean, what was it about? Did I do something wrong? Is he starting to regret taking me home? I didn't bother argueing with him because I knew it would do me no use. Harry always has the upper hand in everything. I doubt he even considers what his band mates say to him. Speaking of his bandmates, what's the deal with him and Liam? They don't seem to get along that well. I bet it is because of all the girls he slept with, Gulp. I forgot he is still that playboy that gets all the girls. Why did I even let him kiss me? I made a huge mistake with that. We shared two kisses and now I bet he thinks I am like in love with him, which for the record, I am not. 

He's just so full of himself! That gets me so angry! I shouldn't be ganging up on myself for kissing him. It was his fault! He was the one to make the first move, not me. And he turned our dinner into a date when it clearly wasn't. Am I just confusing myself with all of this?  Maybe I am just over thinking it all, thinking Harry is someone that he's not. Man, I sound so bipolar right now. 

"What are you thinking about?" Harry snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"Just things," I looked away.

"Tell me," he pleaded. 

Don't tell him!  "Nothing important," I tried to convince him.

"Please tell me," Harry looked over with his lip pouted out and his eyes big. 

"I was just thinking about you," based on his expression, I must have caught him off guard, "Not in that way, just thinking that you might regret this and..." I was starting to talk fast again, "and I thought you were going to regret our kiss and that your a playboy and I shouldn't trust you and that I am mad at you for kissing me, but then it's not your fault and I can trust you and that I am really bipolar right now," I let out a huge breath.

"You don't trust me?" the worried look in his eyes and that sound in his voice pained my heart. 

"I just think you might regret what your doing, I am not all that I look like. I have been told that I am cute by a variety of people but 98% of them were girls complimenting me. It's mostly because guys know the real me and their mind automatically switches me over to the ugly side or the fact the I am ugly. I am not looking for attention here, I am just saying what I think. And the fact that you're so close to knowing the real me, you may not find me pretty like you said. And you left your best friends for someone you just met!"

"Nicole, I have already told you, I don't regret this one bit," his hand reached over and hooked itself with mine. Our hands, as corny as this may sound, fit together like puzzle pieces. I am just afraid that the puzzle pieces won't fit in with the rest of the puzzle. 

We had our hands linked together as we rode on in silence, awkwardly exchanging glances at each other. I feel like every intimite conversation we have is about my insecurities. I can't imagine a guy who would put up with all that shit. 

I reached over with my free hand and turned up the radio. 

"You gotta help me out

It's all a blur last night

We need a taxi 'cause you're hung-over and I'm broke

I lost my fake ID but you lost the motel key

Spare me your freakin' dirty looks

Now don't blame me

You want to cash out and get the hell out of town

Don't be a baby

Remember what you told me

Shut up and put your money where your mouth is

That's what you get for waking up in Vegas

Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes now

That's what you get for waking up in Vegas"

Katy Perry's "Waking up in Vegas" played through the speakers. It kind of reminded me of my situation. She woke up in a random place with no identity. It's not an exact analogy of my situation, but it's a pretty good summary. Sometimes, I wish I never would have stopped in the middle of the yard with Braydon. I wouldn't be almost gone  if I wouldn't have stopped but I did an now look where I am. However, I would have never met Harry if I never stopped. I looked down at our adjoined hands and smiled. Maybe it was a good thing after all.


A few hours have went by and nothing excitig really happened. We sang, I was bad and Harry was good. I recorded a few more things and took a few pictures. We stopped at a subway and split a footlong but nothing important really happened that is tell worthy. It's now 7:12 so we have been driving for 10 hours and I'm starting to get really sick. Not in a way that I might throw up, but I just feel really weak. I feel like I am just going to pass out right here, right now but we have to make it home. We are about 3 hours away. I think Harry sensed something was wrong because he kept glancing at me. 

"Nicole, are you okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah just a little weak," I told him with a warming smile so he wouldn't be too worried. 

"A little? Oh shit," he cursed. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel and the car accelerated. 

"Harry slow down!" I screamed. With all this adrenaline going through me and my weak body mixed, I passed out in the front seat.


Author's Note:


im going to go back and edit this book because I am always rereading it (as lame as that sounds) and find so many mistakes.

who really reads these? im sorry to other authors but if these are long I wont read them. i read short ones sometimes but i usually want to get on with the story.

who has read after? AMAZING BOOKS!! read it if you havent. if imaginator1D is ever reading this (which I doubt) i love your books! you are an amazing writer!

also, this was a while ago but r5's album came out and i am in love with it!!! I love the song forget about you.


Bye loves!



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i have a couple lol

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It Started with a Tweet>> both by MessedUpBun

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