Chapter 12.

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Harry kissed me. I am not sure how on Earth it was possible but he kissed me. I was surprised at first but I started to kiss back. Our lips were moving in sync and I could almost feel sparks. I never felt this with anyone before. It wasn't a dirty kiss and there wasn't any tongue involved. It was a sweet kiss filled with love. Wait. Love? Did I love Harry? Harry and I simultaneously retracted, both of us with wide grins on our faces. 

"Let's go inside," Harry said as he opened the door, allowing me to go in first. 

I was blushing to know ends and I think Harry noticed because he laughed at me when I past him. He came inside the bus behind me and all four boys were staring directly at him. 

"Where have you been, Harry?" Liam first asked.

"Out for dinner," Harry simply replied.

"And you didn't think to invite us?" Niall looked awestruck.

"I just wanted to be alone I guess," Harry shrugged as if it were no big deal.

"Harry, do you have someone that you're seeing?" Zayn asked.

"No!" Harry raised his voice a little.

"Then why are you dressed up?" Louis observed. 

"I was going to a restuarant and I didn't want to look like shit. And I don't think wearing a polo and jeans qualifies as dressing up," Harry put an emphasis on "dressing up".

"Just leave it at that, guys!" Harry continued and went off to his bunk. I stayed back with the boys and listen to their conversation like I usually do.

They weren't talking about anything interesting besides video games so I went to check on Harry. He was sitting on his bed on his phone.

"Watch ya doing?" I asked getting all up in his face.

He placed his hand across my face and pushed me back while laughing. "Reading my own imagines,"

"You write imagines?" I asked him, teasing him. 

"No! I read ones about me!" he defended himself.

"What are these imagines about?" 

"Here, read one, " he handed me his phone and I read what was on the screen.

(credit goes to: Imaginemoments) "Imagine.... waking up on Harry's bare chest. You feel his heart beat  beneath you and when he opens his eyes he smiles at you and says "it beats for you and only you" 

"You read this about yourself? Why? I am pretty sure you know what it's like to wake up with yourself," I told him.

"Because I like to know what my fans our saying about me and sometimes their really sweet. Wouldn't you want men to read what women want them to do so they can do that in reality?"

"You actually have a good point Harry! But I would want you to do things on your own instead making your life something that other girls make up," I informed him.

"Me?" he smirked. 

My face flushed with embarrassment. I didn't mean to imply him! "I'm gonna go now," I quietly said as I turned around. I felt Harry pull my arm back towards him.

"No, stay," he begged, "Let's watch a movie on my phone!" 

"Fine, but where will I sit?"

"Here," Harry scooted in towards the wall of his bunk, "Lay up here," 

"Let me change first," I said before climbling up. 

"Here!" Harry quickly handed me a pair of boxer shorts and a big t-shirt of his. I smiled and closed the curtain and began stripping right then and there because I knew the other boys couldn't see me. I got in Harry's clothes and tossed my dress on the floor and leaving it there.  What? It's not like someone's gonna trip over it! They can't even see the mess!

I climbed up in the bed with Harry and he smiled when he saw me. "So, what are we watching?" I asked as I layed next to him setting my head on his pillow. 

"Insidious," Harry smirked at me.

"I hate scary movies though!" I cried out to him.

"But I like this movie so we are watching it!" He pressed play on his phone and held it up for us both to see. His arm got tired after 10 seconds so we both sat up and leaned the phone up against a nearby wall. 

Harry grabbed my phone that I was gripping onto for dear life. He opened the camera app and took a photo of me with a horrified face. I forced a smile but when I looked at Harry, some how, my smiled didn't seem too fake. We were both smiling at the camera and once he put down my phone I glanced at his phone where the movie was playing and was suddenly surprised by a something popping up. 

(a/n: i have never seen insidious so im not sure if there is a pop up face or something)

I screamed and gripped the thing closest to me which happened to be Harry. He chuckled at me. In the middle of the movie, I was done watching and my head was burried in Harry's shoulder. I heard creepy music coming from the direction of his phone and hugged Harry even tighter. I felt Harry start rubbing my back soothingly, so much that I forgot that we were watching the movie and I drifted to sleep in his arms.

I woke up and my pillow was moving up and down. I opened my eyes and saw that I was laying on Harry's chest. I looked at his tattoos that were sprawled across his chest. I touched the two birds to make sure the were real and Harry looked down at me. 

"It beats for you and only you," he faked sounding dramatic. I playfully punched him and got up from his bunk. "I got a picture!" Harry scream whispered.

"Of what?" I asked with concern.

"Of you on my chest," Harry smirked.

"Ugh, you are so cheeky," I laughed at him after I groaned at him. 

I walked to the kitchen area of the bus and brought out some bread and butter. I put the bread in the toaster and then once it was done, I took it out and buttered it. I liked a lot of butter.

I went back to my own bunk and crumbs got all over my blankets as I ate my delicious toast. I decided to stay in bed the rest of the day while Harry was hanging out with his friends for once. When I am around Harry and his friends, they start asking all these questions about Harry acting weird. 

I was in the middle of reading a book on my kindle app when I started to drift asleep. My eyes were opening and closing and when they finally I heard a sudden noise causing me to jump up from my seat.



authors note:

you guys should go read my Niall Horan fanfic! it is called "our little secret" 

my friend is obssessed with it. 





Who has a crush? 

Wow, Kara, maybe like, i don't know, EVERY TEENAGER EVER! 

ignore my stupidity 

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