Family !!

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Before I noticed that it was morning , I had Leah in my arms and Pony had Tyler and Dallas and Abi was gone. Well Pony was already up and moving when I woke up, He took Leah and put her in bed next to Tyler. Pony told me that I should go to sleep because we took care of Tyler and Leah all night, and I was only asleep for a little bit. So we both ended up going to sleep, when we heard the door slam and Dallas and Abi came in. Then Tyler and Leah woke up, so I got out of bed and picked up them. All of a sudden ... Leah said her first two word .... Mom and dad. Then Tyler said sister so I was really happy. Pony was standing in the doorway when Leah an Tyler Said their words. Tyler was happy on what Leah said. Then Michael and my other brothers and sisters was running in the house looking for food , so I went to cook something and gave the kids to Pony and Abi. I ended up making everyone breakfast. We had Chocolate cake and chocolate milk. Pony and I took the kids out to see a movie with everyone, me and Pony and the kids left early because of Leah, so we just took all them home. Pony and I ended up being alone in the house , we put all the kids asleep. Pony gave me a kiss goodnight and we ended up falling asleep on the couch, not for long. The rest of the gang came in and we had to take care of the little kid the rest of the night. Ughhh!!! They are so much work!!

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