Nu'Nine: The Art Of Pencil

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a/n: Merry Christmas. Please embrace the wisdom and apply it your life. Check the link below to view the Pencil parable. The link is definitely not mine. 

And this one shot is for you. I'm sorry if it didn't reach your expectation. I hope you'll continue to look forward for my one shots :)

Thank you for the love~

Nu'Nine: The Art Of Pencil (Ren)


I was alone, sitting at the grass while my back resting on a big tree. I'm about to turn my book to the next page when suddenly, a guy appeared and sat next to me. I gave him a look, but he just shrugged it off and began to read his own book. I sighed and ignore the presence of that guy.

But I can't... It's because once you laid your eyes on him you can't take away your eyes off him. He's like a magnet.. 

But I wonder, what's with him and his blonde hair?

"There's this Pencil Maker.." he blurted out. My eyes immediately found his and waited for him to finish. "There are five things that you need to know before I sent you out to this world-the Pencil Maker said to the pencil.

"It's the key for you to become the best pencil so always remember it."

He smiled and close his book and place it in his bag. He place a pencil to my hand and smirk at me before standing on his feet.

He left me.

With his pencil..

But what am I going to do with this?


The pencil still confuse me. I don't know what he's up to... I don't really get why he said that to me. What's with me and his pencil? 

I don't know what happened but I found myself sketching his face. I quickly turn the paper down and crumpled it. Why the hell am I thinking about him?

"First, you will be able to do good things, but only if you'll allow yourself to be held by someone."

I literally scream in shock when he suddenly showed up and sat next to me, telling me about his beloved pencil. I glared at him to stop, but just like what he did to me, he just shrugged it off and continue talking. "You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but this is required if you are to become a good pencil."

"Stop." I gritted my teeth. He stop and smiled at me, showing his complete set of teeth. 

My mind suddenly become dull, and it seems like his face become brighter and his eyes were shining..

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