Nu'Ten: Darkness

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an: As promised. Here's the second part of 'Love without love', Minhyun's story requested by special someone.

Let me know your thoughts about the update

P. S. Just a fair warning. This may disappoint you and a bit heavy. I made the part two to give you access of what the lead male's perspective. It doesn't justify the end.

Happy reading! 🎭

Nu'Ten: Darkness (Minhyun)

I stared at the double door in front of me. Each minute it'll swung open and nurses will pass through. I firmly clenched my fists and waited.... and waited until I got tired.

But I never left.

"I'm sorry but we did all we can...."

That's it. I'm done. It's end.

I was thirteen years old that time. My parents never stop trying to make me a better person and yet... I disobey them.

I was young. Naive. Loves adventure and dangerous stunts. Death doesn't fear me.

But not until the day they finally gave up and left me.

Surely they didnt plan to be gone together. Maybe it's bound to happen. That the person close to my heart will all vanished once I tried to acknowledge them.

So that's why I got afraid.

I hurt the one I cherish because of one thing: fear

My mom gave me a shoes that time. My thirteenth birthday. I can clearly remember her exact words that made my heart melt.

"I'm sorry if we had to do things that will make you mad." she warmly said while caressing my hair. I just remain in my bed, eyes afraid to meet hers. "But we will never get tired doing it. You know why? It's because we love you."

Her persuasion terrifies me. Memories from the past suddenly showed up in my head that triggers me to do things. Things that will make her hate me.

But she didn't. I've dated her- one of the things I want to try- but in the end this cowardness completely ate me.

"I have a gift for you" mom's voice echoes in my head. It was achingly familiar and... warm.

"Why shoes?" asked the thirteen-year-old Minhyun who's trying to remain his cold facade but slowly fading because of his mom's surprise.

"I want you to wear it." she handed me the gift. "I want you to always wear it no matter what happens. If it's worn out, take a rest. But don't give up. Continue to walk until it is needed for replacement. Find someone better. Then walk again. Sometimes you need to run, for this world that is too short, you will be needing to chase what you want."

"Why are you giving me gifts?"

"It's your birthday, Minhyun. It means a lot to me."

"Aren't you going to scold me? I broke a bone for a gang fight."

How I love to go back and hear my mothers laughter. She just laugh my faults. She simply...ignore. That time is the best day of my life. Best birthday ever. Best birthday gift ever. And the worst year of my life.

"I wont make you worry anymore. I promise."

That word came from just a thirteen year old guy. If you compare it to the twenty-one year old Minhyun now you'll only got disappointed.

You wont see that strong face anymore.

You wont hear the conviction in his voice.

And you wont feel the passion anymore.

He just simply.... died.

"I shouldn't waste my time chasing you then. Don't worry, I won't do that again. Mark my word."

She doesnt know how I craved for her touch. How I wanted to hold her hand and how I badly want to kiss her lips. She didn't know I fall first. Hard and fast that I don't know what to do with it anymore. She didn't know how terified I was that time when she finally turn her back to me, leaving me with a girl I just randomly picked.

No, dont go.

Little did I know, I was weeping on my seat.

Why is it so hard and painful at the same time? Can I experience at least one at a time?

Come back, please.

But no girl who usually bugs me everyday appeared.

And right there I know... I lost another one.

Spacing out is never new to me and every time I did, I always end up thinking about her.

And its as if she heard me, she came in my view....with a guy.

How I misses that smile...and her laughter. Just like my mom. I bitterly smile. Your fault, I told myself.

They didn't do anything. They are just talking and laughing evey time the guy said something. They are simply having a conversation the two of them can only understand.

She tripped and I got off my seat in impulse. The guy beside her quickly catch her from falling and there, they stared to each others eyes.

No. Please, take it back. Take me back.

The moment they exchanges knowing smiles I quickly close my eyes to keep myself from hurting more.

Please stop.

I turn around and walked away.

Together with my heart scattered on the ground.


Maybe there's someone who will help me keep the broken pieces together.

Maybe there's someone who'll come and offer a help to fix it.

Maybe someone has prepared a glue for the broken pieces.

Maybe. Just maybe.

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