Nu'Five: Love Without Love

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Nu'Five: Love Without Love (Minhyun)

a/n: It just happened that the title fits it all. I accidentally put the title 'Love Without Love' because I remember their song.

Anyway, sorry for being a ghost for so long. The last update was...last year? Yeah. That long. I'm so sorry..

And for the dedication. This is for you because you're the only one who commented in my last update. I hope you'll like it :)


Girl's Point of View

"Minhyun!!" I got up and put all my things back to my bag and run to him. I've been chasing him for how long but still he hasn't change.. He's still cold as ice when he's with me. But it didn't matter, as long as I can be with him this close, I would prefer to experience that.

He curled his eyebrows and turned to me. I waved happily even though it seems that he never really glad to see me. Well, I knew that long ago.. He's irritated to me. Every minute, I keep on babbling around at him even if he's busy with something. Last time, he didn't control himself and yelled how irritating I am. I got hurt, but I kept in touch. I won't just give up yet.. I know he will love me, someday.

"Oh, it's you.." I notice the usual reaction of him when he sees me.

"Can't you be more energetic when you see me?" I faked like I'm mad. He just shook his head while mumbling something but loud for me to hear. "I really can't take this girl.."

"That's why I'm special.." I said happily, ignoring his comment. "I'm honest, and I won't lie to you.."

"Yeah, whatever."

He started to walk away from me but being me, I followed him and started pestering his day again..

"Do you want to see my cat? He's really cute!"

"I'm not really up with cats."

"Hmm, how about, we watch a movie?"

"Aren't you worried about your grades? Today is exam week and you're not really studying. I hate a girl without brain so you better give up.." after that he stop and waited for me to speak. Did he just gave me a hint to like him?

"I'll study, I assure you that. And let's have a deal, if I get it on top, you have no other choice but to go out with me.. If you won't agree, I will go to your house and declared to your parents and neighbors that I'm your girlfriend.."

"And if you fail?"

"Then I won't talk to you, ever again.."

"How can I trust you?"

"Mark my word.. And I promise you that. My family doesn't break any promises, it's very important to us.."

"If so, then it's a promise.."

"Yup, a promise.."

That night, I study hard. I cancel all my schedule for my friends and drown myself to study all my subject. I became depressed, tired, and I had only few hours to sleep.. But God really is a savior. All my sacrifices became a success.. I can't believe I made it.

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