Nu'Fourteen: Fate

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Nu'Fourteen: Fate (Minhyun)

This is lame 😂


Destiny is not a matter of chance

It's a matter of choice.

It's not a thing to be waited for but a thing to be achieved.

I remember those quotes when I was in high school. If I'm not mistaken, that's in the class of Mr. Davidson. We had an activity which changes my perspective.

But you are the creator of your own destiny...

"Class, move your head to your left." He informed us, "Now!"

As we follow his instruction, he asked again to switch our seat with the person in front of us. Then he let the row two and four to move our head to the left again.

"Now, you are facing at your partner."


I stared at the guy who's currently staring at me. He flashes a smile and let his eyes traveled in my whole appearance.

"Ah, hi."

Mr. Davidson made us sit with our partner as he discussed the whole mechanics of the activity.

That's how we met.

We don't meet people by accident, they are meant for a path for a reason.

"How do you do this?" I asked Minhyun as he assemble our food. I stared at the miniature in my hand. He's an artist. He can make a keychain or anything small. It's awesome how he can do this perfectly despite on how hard it is to do.

"I dont know.... I just do what my mood says."

"You mean, you'll make one if you are in the mood?"

"Hmm." He sat next to me and snatch the thing on my hand. "Something like that. For example. This."

He got something from his pocket and showed me a ring. My mouth flew open because of amazement.

"I made this out of love. Is it good?"


"Can you fit it in your finger?"

"Why-" he grab my hand and put the ring to my finger. He stared at it like it's his universe.

"It fits well."

The way he said it sounds like he's been dying to propose to someone. So I asked.

"Was it supposed to be for your... love?"

He softly smiled at me. "Yeah
Sort of."

"What happened?" I asked eagerly that I felt like I've been too curious to ask that it might be a sensitive topic. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't ask that."

"It's fine. I haven't found my love yet. I made this for my love to my parents. I saw how their eyes glow as they shared a smiled. It's as if there's a connection even without a word. They just stare at each other. It's amazing that even without a word they can express their love. I want that too."

"I didn't know you are romantic."

He barked a laughter. I smiled as I stared at my finger.

"Oh wow. It fits perfectly."

He held my fingers and caress it with his own hands. He stayed that way, looking so serious as he look at our intertwined hands.

"What are you thinking?"

"Do you believe in destiny?"

I laughed. "Didn't know you're this kind."

"Hm? What kind?"

I just shrugged my shoulders instead of explaining further. He might misinterpret it if I'll dig with it.

"Because I don't believe in it."

"Why so, Mr. Romantic?"

He didn't mind the tone I used to tease him.

"Because we are the one who make our path; we decide, we always have a choice, and we have our own control of our body and mind. What we are doing, or what we choose, is just a collateral of what we've chosen."


"And I realize that it would be better to move now before it's too late."

"What are you planning?"

He switch his position just to face me completely and held my hand. He blinked, I saw a little hesitation but he seems determine to do it so I let him.

"I want to ask.... for your.. uh, no that would make it sound weird. We have to take it slow so.." he gulped. "I want to be with you.. I mean, you and me, together?"

I didn't know Minhyun could be this cute when nervous. My heart didn't stay calm the moment he held my hands. I know what he means... and I don't know what to say and how to not make it awkward for the both of us.

"You like me?"


"You wanna date me?"

"Uh, yes. If you'd let me."


His jaw dropped like he didn't expect it to hear. "Are you sure?"

"Let's give it a try."

"Do you like me too?"

This guy..

"Why would I even let you hang out with me if I hate you?"

He scratches his head and laugh awkwardly like he just embarassed himself.


I think it's not that bad to try. He's a good guy and I enjoy his company.

"Can I have a request, then?"

I quickly nodded. It's too late to realize what he is up to. I just found myself gaping as he kissed my fingers.

"What the.."

"Let's get married."

I smack him in his shoulder. "Crazy!"

"Why? You'll eventually love me so why waste time if we can marry now?"

"You have to court me first!"

His eyebrows raised in awe. He smirk and lean closer to give me a peck in the cheek. He even made a sound to annoy me.

"Yes, my Queen."

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